'Krypton' Recap With Spoilers: "The Rankless Initiative"

'The Rankless Initiative' begins with Seg and Adam Strange rushing to speak with Val-El's [...]

"The Rankless Initiative" begins with Seg and Adam Strange rushing to speak with Val-El's projection in the Fortress of Solitude. Seg shows his grandfather's image the piece of the Brainiac scout that Adam and Kem previously found.

Upon further examination, Val-El warns them that once the scout breaks out of it's shell, it needs to take over a host body. The group ultimately decides to have Val's hologram open up the shell to release Brainiac's sentry.

As Val-El opens up the shell, the group is disappointed to find that the sentry had previously been released.

We see a flashback to three days prior where the sentry dislodges from Brainiac's mother ship and crashes into a building in the Kandor Outlands.

We then see a pair of junkers stumble upon the sentry. One of the junkers appears to be related to Kem.

At the Fortress, the trio starts brainstorming on how to find the sentry. Seg mentions that junkers typically visit the Outlands in order to find material to sell, and he orders Adam to start questioning the junkers in Kandor.

Seg goes to speak with Lyta to see if she or any of the other Sagitari are aware of Brainiac's sentry.

The Voice of Rao is speaking with Daron-Vex about Black Zero's previous assassination attempt. Daron reassures his leader that they'll make sure he's safe.

Daron goes on to meet with Jayna, Dev, and Lyta about the intelligence they have in regards to Black Zero.

Seg approaches Kem at his bar, asking if he's heard anything from the junkers in regards to the sentry.

Lyta's approached by her mother, confronting her about talking down to Daron at the meeting earlier in the night. She reminds her daughter that Seg lives in Sector 19 — the base of Black Zero. She says that if Lyta's not careful, Daron and the Voice of Rao might make a conclusion that Seg is part of Black Zero.

Lyta is speaking with the rest of her division, making note that The Rankless Initiative is not about killing rankless Kryptonians. Rather, it's a procedure to help take down Black Zero. She orders her division to not shoot a single civilian as the begin to clear out Sector 19.

Adam has stolen a part from a junker and takes it back to Kem and Seg. He reveals it's the sentry, and mentions that it appears that it has yet to be activated. The two agree to take it back to the Fortress and have Val-El examine it.

As they're getting ready to leave Kem's par, the Sagitari arrive and say over their ship's loudspeakers that Sector 19 is being evacuated. Lyta and her cronies begin using facial recognition on citizens of Sector 19 to see if they match any of the members of Black Zero.

Seg orders Adam to take the sentry to Val at the Fortress so that the part doesn't fall into the hands of the Sagitari. An upset Seg pulls Lyta aside and confronts her about her actions.

Val-El examines the sentry and sees that it's inactive because it's already found a host.

In Sector 19, we see Kem's relative Rhom — the woman who originally found the sentry — collapse and start writhing in pain. Two Sagitari officers pull her off the ground and her eyes turn black if she was possessed. She then proceeds to kill both of the guards.

Seg returns to Kem, who's taken Rhom's young daughter to safety. Seg promises to help Kem save Rhom.

Seg pulls Kem aside and admits that he's not sure if they're able to save Rhom. The Sagitari have rounded up those people they believe are part of Black Zero and begin interrogating them. One of the rankless steps out of line, and a Sagitari shoots him, killing him.

Lyta hears about the shooting and arrives at the scene. She arrests Kol-Da — the officer who carried out the shooting.

Rhom has taken over a Sagitari communications hub in an attempt to contact Brainiac.

Seg tracks down Lyta and asks to borrow some military equipment so that he can try and stop Rhom himself. Lyta obliges and calls her troops off so that Seg can try stopping Rhom.

Seg enters the communication hub to find Rhom hooked up to all sorts of wires. She starts controlling the wires and begins choking Seg with them. Seg uses the EMP grenade he received from Lyta, which knocks Rhom out. He's able to escape with an unconscious Rhom before Lyta's soldiers storm the hub.

Seg takes Rhom's lifeless body to Lyta, who begins questioning Seg on what happened. Seg reveals that his grandfather was right, and the Kryptonians aren't alone in the universe. Lyta tries convincing Seg to take Rhom to Krypton's leaders so they can see what's going on, and Seg refuses, thinking they'll kill Rhom.

At the Fortress, Val's projection is is examining Rhom's body. He reveals that whatever Brainiac did to her, it's keeping her alive. Val mentions that Rhom was still able to get her transmission out, signaling Brainiac's impending arrival.