Legends of Tomorrow Live Recap With Spoilers: Land of the Lost

The episode begins with the team, wondering where the remaining members of the Justice Society of […]

The episode begins with the team, wondering where the remaining members of the Justice Society of America are hidden in history. Nate worries about his grandfather, and about what the Legion of Doom could do to reality if they found the spear.

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Jax and Sara discuss what to do with Rip, who is still imprisoned in the ship.

Rip sits in his prison, trying to command Gideon. She says that she has been prohibited from letting him command her, but he says a series of secret code words that get her to comply. The ship starts behaving erratically, and Rip is freed from his cell. He goes into the weapon room and grabs a ray gun.

The team learns that Rip is headed to the jump ship, and sends Mick, Nate, and Amaya after him. Sara discovers that she can’t pilot the ship, and Jax says he will be able to override Rip’s commands if he reboots the whole system.

Rip discovers the medallion and gives Gideon another command. The ship goes into self-destruct mode. He runs into Mick, Nate, and Amaya, who try to reason with him. He shoots the medallion with his ray gun, causing it to disintegrate.

Jax reboots the ship, but Sara still isn’t able to pilot the ship. The Waverider violently crashes into a snowy mountain. The team learns that the ship is in the Crustacean period – the same year that Ray was left in when Rip scattered the ship. Gideon reveals that a piece of the ship that allows the ship to jump in time was lost. Ray volunteers to go after it.

Sara, Stein, and Mick debate exactly how to get through to Rip. Mick explains that when he was Kronos, the Time Masters were able to literally go inside his mind and manipulate him. They decide to try the same to Rip.

Ray, Nate, and Amaya walk through the woods. Ray locates the missing piece of the ship – only to discover its in the the territory of Gertrude, a very unhappy dinosaur.

Gideon advises the team not to go inside Rip’s brain, but Sara and Jax agree to do it anyway.

Nate leans on a tree and makes small talk with Amaya. A large snake crawls down his back, and Amaya helps him get it off. The pair flirt, which Nate is surprised by, since Amaya was previously against teammates fraternizing. She explains that her conversation with Stargirl in Camelot caused her to rethink things. The pair almost kiss, until Ray runs through them, telling them to run away from Gertrude.

Sara and Jax get prepared to enter Rip’s mind. Stein gives them both arm bracelets that will help wake them up, and prevent them from staying in Rip’s mind for too long. Stein and Mick help the pair enter Rip’s mind, which is a replica of the Waverider, but has visions of Vandal Savage’s troops. Sara and Jax locate laser guns, but are thwarted by a duplicate version of Sara in her White Canary costume. This second Sara knocks Jax to the ground, and the two Saras step towards each other.

The two Saras fight. Sara defeats Evil Sara, and she and Jax wonder what other evil versions of the team are on this version of the ship.

Nate and Amaya ask why Gertrude hates Ray. He reveals that he accidentally ate one of her eggs. They find the cave Ray used when he was living in this time, and Ray leaves to find the group food. Nate and Amaya go to kiss again, but Ray quickly returns with food.

Jax and Sara walk through the ship, where they find evil versions of Ray and Mick. Sara fights them, while Jax leaves to find Rip. Evil Ray finds Sara’s safety bracelet and crushes it with his hands. Sara assures herself that this is fake, and Evil Ray punches her unconscious.

Sara wakes up and discovers Rip, who is in the corner crying. He reveals that Sara was the one who put him there to begin with.

Jax hears a series of morse code and follows it, thinking it’s Sara. It turns out to be a human version of Gideon.

Jax asks Gideon for help, but she reveals that Thawne corrupted Rip’s brain to believe that his friends are enemies and vice-versa.

Sara tries to get through to Rip, telling him that what he’s believing right now is only in his mind. He briefly remembers his and Sara’s memories together. Sara takes a step towards him, and he knocks her back with energy from his hands.

At the campsite, Amaya volunteers to get more firewood. Both Nate and Ray volunteer to go with her, but she decides to go alone. Ray tells Nate not to date Amaya, because it will threaten the existence of Amaya’s granddaughter, and the present-day Vixen, Mari McCabe. Nate suggests telling Amaya about her destiny, and Ray disagrees.

Stein and Mick argue about the team being stuck in Rip’s mind. Stein worries that Jax won’t be able to make it out of there without Stein’s help, but Mick tells him that Jax will have to learn how to do this on his own someday, as Stein will eventually die.

Sara realizes that since Rip was able to make that energy come out of his hands, Rip should be able to free himself and Sara from their prison with his mind. She reminds him of his real identity, and of the mission at hand to find Commander Steel. Rip agrees and tries to open the door with his mind, but fails. Gideon and Jax come to Rip and Sara’s rescue, and Sara flirts with Gideon’s human form.

The four walk through the Waverider, and realize that they should use artifacts from Rip’s life to remind him of who he really is. They are confronted by Evil Sara and Evil Jax, the later of whom has his full powers.

The group fight Evil Sara and Evil Jax, while Gideon and Rip escape to safety. Sara fights her evil doppleganger, and snaps her neck.

Ray, Nate, and Amaya discover that the missing piece of the Waverider is inside Gertrude’s nest. They all decide to go retrieve it.

Jax and Evil Jax fight.

The team walks back to the Waverider, Ray carrying the missing piece. While there, they run into Gertrude. Amaya runs towards her, harnessing the power of a T-Rex to subdue Gertrude. Gertrude walks away from the group, and the group makes their way back to safety.

Jax and Sara run to the center of the ship, where they find Evil Mick, Evil Ray, and Evil Jax. Sara explains that Rip is the only one who can stop the evil dopplegangers. Rip gets confused as to what is real, and then remembers his memories with the team. He jumps in front of Jax and Sara and fights off the dopplegangers.

The Waverider starts to crumble, which Gideon explains is because Rip’s construct of it is now shattered. Since Sara doesn’t have her bracelet, she convinces Jax to get out of there. He wakes up, and immediately pulls a defribulator on Sara, waking her up.

As the Waverider crumbles, Rip thanks Gideon for how she helped him through being trapped in his mind prison. The pair kiss.

Rip wakes up in the real world. He asks the team where he is, and they explain that he’s home. Rip sighs with relief.

Ray, atomized down, puts the missing piece back on the ship. Inside the Waverider, Nate and Amaya kiss, and Amaya invites him to her quarters tonight. Ray enters the Waverider, and asks Nate about what the current situation is with Amaya. Nate explains that he doesn’t think he can take things slow with her, and Ray thinks that’s the right way to go about the situation. Ray leaves, and Nate decides he’ll break things off with Amaya tomorrow.

Stein finds Jax repairing the ship. He apologizes to Jax for not trusting him to be able to hold his own in the mission, and Jax accepts the apology.

Sara finds Rip, who has changed into his Captain Hunter outfit. Rip explains to Sara that he remembers everything from when he was under the Legion of Doom’s control, and apologizes for what he did to the team in that time. Sara says its okay, since that wasn’t really him at the time.

Gideon makes an announcement directed to the captain, and both Sara and Rip answer it. Sara chuckles and leaves the room. Rip talks to Gideon, apologizing to her for what he put her through. She asks if he’s referring to their kiss, and she explains that she enjoyed it.

Rip enters the main room of the Waverider and is greeted by the team. Rip walks through and addresses the team members individually. Sara asks Rip if he knows where the final piece of the spear is, and he says he does.

In 1970, a doctor evaluates a NASA pilot who has recently been promoted to Apollo 13. Its’ revealed that the doctor is Eobard Thawne, and the pilot is Commander Steel.