Could the ‘Legends of Tomorrow’ and Constantine be Bringing About “Crisis on Infinite Earths”?

‘Crisis on Infinite Earths’ is coming to the Arrowverse this fall. Since that exciting fact was […]

“Crisis on Infinite Earths” is coming to the Arrowverse this fall. Since that exciting fact was revealed at the conclusion of the “Elseworlds” crossover event this season, fans have been not only getting hyped for what might be the most eagerly-anticipated Arrowverse event ever but trying to figure out just exactly how the Crisis ends up happening. First revealed to be possible in The Flash‘s first season, the mysterious crisis event was expected in 2024. But, unless there’s a crazy time jump, it will actually arrive in 2019. Most fans suspect that the world-changing event is being pushed up thanks to events this season on The Flash, but what if they’re only half right? What if it is, in fact, being pushed up but by the Legends of Tomorrow and Constantine instead?

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When it comes to “Crisis on Infinite Earths”, fans have been pretty keen on the idea that time travel and its impact is a key factor in making the Crisis happen five years before it was “supposed” to. After all The Flash has done quite a bit of messing with the timeline as Barry has run back and forth through time quite a bit and even created alternative timelines. This season alone, his daughter Nora has done the same on a frighteningly regular basis. She’s been seen going back to the future to collaborate with Eobard Thawne more than a few times and there was one episode where she ran back in time over and over and over again to attempt to stop Cicada from killing those she loves. That’s a lot of messing with the timeline.

But you know who else messes with the timeline? The Legends do and while generally-speaking their job is to fix history so things don’t get crazy, one member of the team may have made such a huge change to things that even putting things back where they belong temporally speaking can’t stop the ripple effect. In the midseason finale of Legends, Constantine went back to 2018 in order to change his own history. Specifically, he sabotaged his relationship with his love Desmond so that the man would be spared being sacrificed to Hell. The act set off a chain reaction of events. First, Sara Lance died in the Woodstock Unicorn Massacre that was the subject of Legends of Tomorrow‘s Season 4 premiere. When Constantine and Charlie tried to fix that, it led to Nate, Ray, and Mick being killed during the Salem witch trials.

Every attempt they made to fix what was broken only broke something else until, ultimately, Constantine had no choice but to go back and let 2018 play out as it was supposed to. It set the universe back to right at least on the surface, but what if all the changes to the timeline had farther reaching impact? One of the things that The Flash has been big on during the second half of Season 5 is the concept that the timeline is malleable. If that’s the case, that malleability could mean that events can be sped up or slowed down.

With Legends of Tomorrow and The Flash being in the same universe, that same timeline malleability would technically apply to the Legends which is possibly how they are able to fix things when the timeline and history get broken. But it would also mean that the speed up/slow down effect would also apply and, thus, could very well be bringing “Crisis on Infinite Earths” to the Arrowverse’s doorstep ahead of original schedule.

If the Legends do have a hand in bringing about Crisis early, it would help make a place for the series in the annual crossover event. Legends sat this last one out, but with the far-reaching impact “Crisis on Infinite Earths” is likely to have, it would be hard to imagine a crossover without them. And the rest of the heroes will definitely need all the help they can get. Green Arrow, The Flash, and Supergirl only barely made it out of “Elseworlds” and did so largely due to a mysterious bargain the Green Arrow struck with The Monitor. With “Crisis” poised to be even more challenging — just like a job for the Legends.

What do you think? Are the Legends bringing about “Crisis on Infinite Earths”? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Legends of Tomorrow returns from midseason break Monday, April 1 at 8/7c on The CW.


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