'Legends of Tomorrow' Recap With Spoilers: "Guest Starring John Noble"

'Guest Starring John Noble' starts with Nate assembling the team on the bridge, informing the team [...]

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(Photo: The CW, DC Entertainment)

"Guest Starring John Noble" starts with Nate assembling the team on the bridge, informing the team that Amaya stole a jump ship to go back in time. Rip calls the team and informs that Grodd is trying to kill a young Barack Obama.

Sara orders Nate and Wally to track down Amaya while the rest of the team goes to save Obama from the telepathic gorilla.

Elsewhere, Nora's seen going under some sort of transformation. As her father Damien is looking on, we see a shadow of Nora on the wall grow wings. Damien reveals that Mallus is about to take over Nora's body so that he has a physical form.

Ray is able to save Obama by using his shrinking gun on Grodd. The Legends use their mind-wiping gun on Obama so he forgets the day's earlier events. The group is getting back to the Waverider when they're stopped by Damien Darhk asking for their help with his daughter.

Back on the Waverider, Damien gives the group the Water Totem as a good faith measure in an attempt to get the Legends to trust him. He explains that the second Mallus escapes his dimension, Nora will be killed.

In Zambesi, Nate and Wally find an elderly Amaya, who's hosting a ritual passing down of the Anansi Totem. Amaya's daughter doesn't arrive to receive the totem, however. Wally tries convincing Nate and Amaya that they need to get Amaya's daughter to take the totem in order to restore history.

Upset at Ava for siding with Rip Hunter in their debate over Darhk, Sara goes back to consult with Obama about her situation. He offers her a few words of encouragement and she wipes his memories again.

Sara returns to the Waverider and agrees to work with Darhk under one condition: she kills him when they're done in order to correct history.

The young version of Amaya has located her daughter Esi. Amaya approaches her daughter about taking the Anansi Totem. Wally and Nate continue on debating whether or not to allow Amaya to mess with the past.

Overhearing Mick watch The Lord of the Rings, the group realizes that actor John Noble sounds exactly like Mallus. The Legends hatch a plan to try and trick Nora.

Ray tracks down Noble on the set of Lord of the Rings, and pretending Peter Jackson rewrote some of his lines, Ray's able to record the actor saying various lines directed to Nora.

Nate tries to sneak into the elderly Amaya's hut to steal the Anansi Totem, but elder Amaya wakes up and begins fighting the intruding Nate. Not aware of who he is, Nate goes into their relationship, even showing her pictures of them together.

Damien returns to Nora with a shrunken Ray. Ray flies into Nora's ear, and he plays the lines he recorded earlier with Noble. Nora's convinced she has to go speak with the Legends on the Waverider and Damien agrees to take her there.

Once the Darhks teleport to the Waverider, Damien uses a spell to entrap his daughter in a force field that takes away her magic-based powers.

By themselves on the Waverider, Ava reveals to Rip that she knows she's a clone. She approaches her former boss about why she was the chosen clone, and Rip lets it slip that she's the 12th clone he's brought back in time.

Damien's speaking with his daughter when Mallus assumes control of her body. Mallus tells Damien that Nora's now dead.

In Zambesi, Esi has agreed to go to Amaya to receive the Anansi Totem in hopes of saving their village from the impending doom we've seen in the future.

Back on the Waverider, Sara mentions to the rest of the group that it's impossible to fight Mallus because they can't see him. She suggests that they unleash Mallus from his dimension so that they can properly fight him.

Sara gives Damien the Death Totem, angering Ava, who leaves the Waverider, refusing to help the Legends in their fight against Mallus.

Wally and Ray go to Amaya and Nate in Zambesi and tell them their plan about releasing Mallus. Amaya and Nate return to the Waverider, and the group starts distributing the totems. Nate receives the Earth Totem while Ray picks up the Water Totem.

The group is hoping to aid Esi in the creation of the anachronism of warlords destroying Zambesi — which in turn would release Mallus from his dimension. However, Rip looks up the headlines in the future to see if the anachronism worked, but the group finds out that the village was destroyed by a gorilla and not a group of warlords.

Damien admits to releasing Grodd from his container on the Waverider because he had second thoughts about releasing Mallus, which would officially kill his daughter.

The group starts to fight with Damien, trying to get the Death Totem back from him. Damien tries explaining that he wants to kill the villagers in an attempt to save his daughter.

Esi is battling Grodd when Nate rushes in with the Earth Totem. He's able to activate it and use its powers to knock Grodd out.

Ray gets to his feet and confronts Damien. Distracted, Sara's able to literally stab Damien in the back. Nora's able to escape and run outside, but it's too late: Mallus has taken over.

The Legends hear a commotion outside and when they rush out to see what's going on, the see Mallus has taken his true form, killing Nora in the process.