'Legends of Tomorrow' Showrunner Shares Update on Beebo's Season 4 Status

DC's Legends of Tomorrow executive producer Phil Klemmer knows that fans want more Beebo -- but he [...]

DC's Legends of Tomorrow executive producer Phil Klemmer knows that fans want more Beebo -- but he is not promising anything just yet, explaining that he does not want to run a fan-favorite joke into the ground. The character began life as a seemingly-throwaway gag -- it was the "Tickle-Me-Elmo"-inspired toy that Martin Stein was trying to get for his daughter in the season 3 midseason finale titled "Beebo the God of War" -- but became a fan-favorite and showed up several more times, not just on Legends but throughout the Arrowverse shows. While it was usually just a minor background gag, Beebo had a much more significant role in the season 3 finale -- in which he was essentially brought to life by the Legends and cuddled the season's big bad to death.

In an interview with TV Guide, Klemmer acknowledged that he knew Beebo (whose likeness was featured on the show's swag bags from Comic Con International in San Diego last summer, and for a time served as the thumbnail art for Legends on SVOD services like Vudu and iTunes) had become a fan-favorite but he would rather keep it that way than spoil it. "Beebo is like one of those spices that you don't want to use too much. You gotta wait for the special moment where you need to make it really pop," Klemmer explained. "I can't promise anybody Beebo. Eventually, yeah sure. We're in contract negotiations with his agent."

At the end of last season, Beebo cuddled Mallus to death, but that was not the end of the magical threat that the time demon represented. In order to kill him once and for all, the Legends had opened the door to his "cage," allowing dozens of other mystical and mythical creatures to bleed over from unreality into reality. This season has been a parade of crazy, with Gary losing a nipple to a unicorn, Zari spending quite a bit of time transformed into a cat, and Nora Darhk being framed for the murder of Nate's dad, Hank Heywood.

DC's Legends of Tomorrow airs on Monday nights at 8 p.m. ET/PT, before episodes of Arrow on The CW.


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