'Legends of Tomorrow': SPOILER Dies in "The Getaway"

Tonight on DC's Legends of Tomorrow, the team found themselves not only on the run as fugitives [...]

Tonight on DC's Legends of Tomorrow, the team found themselves not only on the run as fugitives from the Time Bureau (again), but they ended up on a truly strange road trip with an added bonus of a kidnapped Richard Nixon to boot. However, even for all the zany antics that scenario certainly fostered, it wasn't all hijinks for the time-travelling heroes. Instead, the adventure to the 70s was the end of the road for one character -- and it could have major impact going forward.

Spoilers for tonight's episode of DC's Legends of Tomorrow, "The Getaway", below.

After the disastrous events from last week -- the team finds out Hank is up to no good, Mona is both fired from the Bureau and ends up with what can only be described as werewolf powers thanks to a scratch from Konane, and the team ending up as fugitives -- the Legends find themselves trying to sort out what exactly Hank is up to while also still tracking down magical fugitives. This leads them to 1973 where a truth roach is messing with history by having then-president Richard Nixon compulsively telling the truth, but things go off the rails when Hank commandeers the Waverider.

While the team tries to evade Hank, Nate and Zari attempt to sort out what Hank is really up to -- along with an assist from Gary and Nora. It all ultimately comes to a head when Hank catches up to the Legends, but thanks to that pesky truth roach, Nate tells his dad that he knows he's up to no good and that he loves him, but they need to be on the same side. Hank agrees. The Legends are no longer fugitives -- and Hank is prepared to be done working with Neron.

Therein lies the problem, though. Hank goes to speak with him and tell him that he can't go forward with their agreement as it is coming between him and his son. That doesn't sit well with Neron who then kills Hank, drawing his very soul and life force out of his body as only a terrifying demon can. Nate discovers his father's body on the floor of Hank's office, with Nora over it. He assumes that Nora killed his dad, but the reality is that Nora escaped her containment cell in an attempt to save Hank. Earlier in the episode, it's shown that Nora is sensitive to Neron's presence and power so she is aware the demon is there and harming Hank -- she was just too late to save him. As she is unable to explain the situation, Nora uses her powers to escape.

While it's possible that Hank isn't really dead -- this is Legends, after all, and anything is possible -- it certainly looks like Hank's time is up and for Nate, that's going to be an especially difficult blow. Not only has Nate been dealing with the loss of Amaya this season as she opted to remain in her own time, thus ending their relationship, but his relationship with his father has always been difficult. During tonight's episode he gets the closest he ever has to Hank Heywood and even though he found out that his father was taking the magical creatures and experimenting on them to create an army, he had just admitted that he loves his dad. Finding Hank dead is going to have repercussions, both for Nate and the team. It will just be a matter of time to see just how bad things get.

Were you surprised that Hank Heywood died in this week's episode? Let us know in the comments below.

DC's Legends of Tomorrow airs on Monday nights at 8 p.m. ET/PT, before episodes of Arrow on The CW.