The Season 5 premiere of The Flash is coming up super fast on Tuesday, Oct. 9th. However, a new wave of The Flash Funko Pop figures is debuting right here, right now. In fact, you can already pre-order The Flash lineup via the links below with shipping slated for October.
Videos by ComicBook.com
• The Flash Running Pop! Vinyl Figure #713
• The Flash Kid Flash Pop! Vinyl Figure #714
• The Flash Vibe Pop! Vinyl Figure #715
• The Flash Jay Garrick Pop! Vinyl Figure #716
Season 5 of The Flash will debut on Tuesday, Oct. 9th, at 8 p.m. ET on The CW. This season will bring a new twist to some long-awaited teases, including the arrival of Nora Allen/XS (Jessica Parker Kennedy), the future speedster daughter of Barry Allen/The Flash (Grant Gustin) and Iris West-Allen (Candice Patton). Here’s everything we know so far about what fans can expect.

In other superhero Pop figure news, Funko kicked their holiday lineup off recently with Marvel heroes in the form of both Pop figures and Pint Sized Heroes.
Their Marvel holiday Pop lineup includes Deadpool with candy canes, Spider-Man sporting an ugly sweater, Hulk furiously crushing a stocking (probably because he got a tie instead of a Nintendo Switch), and a Groot Christmas tree that Charlie Brown would be proud of.
The Pint Sized Heroes lineup includes, Evil Sweater Thanos, Rocket Sled Raccoon, Christmas Tree Groot, Ugly Sweater Spider-Man, Snowman America, and an adorable Squirrel Girl with a stocking.
You can pre-order the entire lineup of Marvel Holiday Funko Pops and Pint Size Heroes right here with shipping slated for November.
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