Supergirl Recap with Spoilers - Distant Sun

The episode opens with Mon-El trying to make Kara breakfast in bed. Kara smells the breakfast and [...]

supergirl distant sun

The episode opens with Mon-El trying to make Kara breakfast in bed. Kara smells the breakfast and thanks Mon-El (who is trying to be the perfect househusband now that they're back together), but their moment of romance is interrupted by an alien rampaging around a local park. Kara changes into her costume and charges into battle. Although the alien briefly knocks Supergirl down with a laser eyepatch, she quickly takes him down and knocks him out.

J'onn gets a phone call from the president about the Daxamite spaceship. The president is worried about the Daxamites and asks J'onn not to have Supergirl engage the spaceship again.

Alex and Maggie run into Maggie's ex-girlfriend Emily. Things are pretty awkward in a hurry, but Alex insists that Emily gets dinner with them that evening.

J'onn and Winn tells Supergirl that someone put a bounty on her, which is why the random laser eyepatch alien attacked her earlier that day. Mon-El says that Supergirl's bounty is big enough to buy an entire planet, so Alex asks Kara to hide instead of take on the galaxy's bounty hunters one by one. After some cajoling by Mon-El, J'onn, and Alex, Kara agrees to hide for 24 hours.

Mon-El asks his parents to come down to his bar and asks if they put the bounty on Supergirl. Her parents vehemently deny it and say they were only hanging around Earth to see if Mon-El comes to his senses. Mon-El's parents promise to come whenever he calls, even if it's to places they disagree with.

Emily stands Alex and Maggie up, and Maggie explains that Emily was her longest relationship and their mistake was pretty nasty.

Jimmy, Winn, and Kara play a game of Settlers of Catan, but Kara gets stir-crazy and tries to go outside. Mon-El shows up just in time and tells him about his suspicions about his parents. Suddenly, a mysterious bald alien arrives outside and begins controlling Mon-El. Mon-El tries to warn Kara that he's not in control of his body before tackling her through a window. As Kara reluctantly defends herself, Winn's device goes off, alerting them there's a bounty hunter nearby. Jimmy (in his Guardian outfit) tries to intervene, but Mon-El quickly throws him through a car and focuses his attacks on Kara. Luckily, Winn finds the bounty hunter and threatens to kill him with a stapler. The bounty hunter buys his bluff and lets go of Mon-El....right as Kara punches him in the face.

After they get the bounty hunter locked up in the DEO, the bounty hunter brags he's a telepath and won't tell them anything. However, J'onn uses his superior telepathy to find out that Mon-El's mom ordered the bounty. Alex wants to retaliate, but J'onn says that he's under orders not to retaliate against the Daxamites.

Alex confronts Emily about skipping out on dinner. Emily says that their breakup was painful because Maggie cheated on her and she just wants to forget about Maggie altogether.

Mon-El tries to convince Kara to flee Earth with him (using his ongoing readthrough of Romeo and Juliet as an example) but Kara spoils the end of Romeo and Juliet and says she doesn't from anything. Kara says they just need talk to his mother and convince her to drop the bounty. Mon-El says she'll give it a shot, but he seems its reluctant.

Supergirl and Mon-El meet Mon-El's mother at the Fortress of Solitude. Supergirl does her best to convince Rhea to let Mon-El be happy, but Rhea pulls out a pair of kryptonian sais and slashes Supergirl's face, knocking her to the ground. Mon-El tries to protect Supergirl, but Rhea knocks him aside and stabs Supergirl in the leg. Right before Rhea finishes Supergirl, Mon-El agrees to go with Rhea in exchange for Supergirl's life. Rhea teleports Mon-El back to the ship and tells him to clean up before departure. Mon-El's father is surprised to learn that his wife put the bounty on Supergirl, although Rhea does call the bounty off.

Alex meets Maggie at her apartment and asks why Maggie didn't say anything about cheating on Emily. She's not mad about Maggie's past, but about how Maggie doesn't trust Alex with her past. Alex says that Maggie doesn't need to guard herself around her and says she's there to help her heal. However, she gets a call from Supergirl about Mon-El and rushes to the DEO.

Although Supergirl is still hurt, she still wants to rescue Mon-El. J'onn says they are under orders, but Supergirl begs to let her save him because it wasn't his choice.

On the Daxamite ship, Mon-El insists that if he is to go with his parents, he wants to change Daxamite culture to let everyone have a say instead of a dictatorship. Rhea slaps Mon-El, and orders him into the cell. After all, a lengthy imprisonment is the only way to "rid" Mon-El of his conceptions about leadership.

Back on Earth, Winn reveals that he fixed the slaver's gate from a few episodes ago, so they can teleport onto the Daxamite ship. Supergirl teleports into the throne room to fight Rhea, while Winn teleports into rescue Mon-El. Rhea tries to stab Supergirl, but her sais don't have much an effect...on a Martian. After Martian Manhunter changes into his true form, Rhea's guards start to overwhelm him, so Supergirl (the real one) rushes into the fray. King Lar fights J'onn, while Rhea goes after Supergirl again. Mon-El rushes into the throne room and shoots out a window to stop everyone from fighting (and to get rid of the kryptonite). Lar manages to shut the bulkhead and says that his son has made his choice. Although Lar seems at peace with it, Rhea says that Supergirl has taken everything from her and looks pretty upset when Mon-El and Supergirl embrace before teleporting away.

Alex drives Maggie to see Emily and get some closure on their relationship. Meanwhile, the president lectures J'onn for a bit about disobeying her orders. When she gets off the phone, the president morphs into her true form, reminding everyone that she's still an alien.

Mon-El and Kara eat popcorn and cuddle on the couch. Kara apologizes for making Mon-El talk to his mom, but Mon-El points out that people can his father did when he let them go. Mon-El makes another Romeo and Juliet reference, and Kara begs him to finish the play.

Back on the Daxamite ship, Lar tells Rhea that Mon-El would never be happy with them, but Rhea says that they're no longer in sync. Rhea says Lar ruined their family and betrayed her. She then stabs him in the chest, killing Lar, and promises she's not down with Earth.