While the events of this week’s Invasion! crossover between Supergirl, The Flash, Arrow, and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow take place primarily on Earth-1 and will not have a significant long-term impact on Supergirl, the story’s principal antagonists will have a role to play in future episodes, according to executive producer Andrew Kreisberg.
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“This is not the last you see of the Dominators,” Kreisberg told reporters during a screening of the crossover today in Los Angeles. “The Dominators will return on Supergirl later this season.”
What’s interesting about that, of course, is the fact that the Dominators attack Earth-1 — not Supergirl’s Earth — so the question raised is whether it will be the same group of Dominators somehow trying to exact revenge on the Kryptonian who helps Earth vanquish them, or if it’s the Dominators of Supergirl‘s Earth.
Arrow, The Flash, and Supergirl will cross over with DC’s Legends of Tomorrow this week in “Invasion!” a three-part crossover that starts in the final moments of an episode of Supergirl and then plays through the other series. Based on the 1988 comic book event miniseries Invasion! from Keith Giffen, Bill Mantlo, Todd McFarlane, Bart Sears, and the crossover — with its marketing title “Heroes vs. Aliens” — will closely track the plot of that storyline: aliens will be assembled by The Dominators and descend on Earth to bring an end to the “threat” of Earth’s burgeoning metahuman community.
In the comics, the Dominion were secretly hoping to build their own super-race, and as a result created a handful of new superheroes in the course of the story.
In the TV version, rather than assembling a loose alliance of dangerous alien races, the Dominators will apparently be mind-controlling the aliens that join them. That’s a revelation that suggests even the heroes might be forced to take one another (or at least the alien Supergirl) on at some point in the story.

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Supergirl airs Mondays at 8 p.m. ET/PT; The Flash on Tuesdays at the same time; Arrow on Wednesdays and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow on Thursdays. All four series air on The CW. The “Invasion!” crossover will air beginning November 28.