The Flash: Teddy Sears Interested In Returning

Former The Flash actor Teddy Sears has expressed an interest in returning to the show in a […]

Former The Flash actor Teddy Sears has expressed an interest in returning to the show in a slightly different role.

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According to ComicBook.com reader Michael Leslie who was in attendance at Planet Comiccon Kansas City, Sears says has no plans following his turn on 24: Legacy this season and has told The Flash team that he’d like to return to play Hunter Zolomon of Earth One.

Sears primarily played the Hunter Zolomon of Earth Two during his time on The Flash. That Hunter Zolomon was a serial killer who gains speedster powers when the Earth-Two particle accelerator exploded. Zolomon became the murderous speedster known as Zoom and spread his reign of terror throughout his world and then to others. He imprisoned and impersonated the Jay Garrick, the Flash from Earth Three, and used the ruse to infiltrate the inner circle of the Flash of Earth One. When Zolomon was revealed to be Zoom, the Flash managed to defeat him by tricking him into revealing himself to the Time Wraiths, who captured him and turned him into a demonic, undead speedster who serves only the Speed Force.

Little is known about Earth-One’s Hunter Zolomon. While masquerading as Jay Garrick, Zoom claimed that Jay Garrick’s Earth One doppelganger’s mother died in childbirth and that he became a foster child until finally finding a home with the Zolomon family. In retrospect, it seems likely that Zoom was lying to cover up the fact that he wasn’t Jay Garrick at all. We now know that Barry Allen’s father, Henry Allen, is actually Jay Garrick’s Earth One doppelganger, so that part of the story was a lie. What we do know is that Caitlin Snow and Zoom observed Earth One Zolomon in a park one day and that he appeared studious, mild-mannered, and normal.

Of course, nobody’s life remains normal for long on The Flash, right?

The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET on The CW.

On season three of The Flash,blinded by anger, Barry unwittingly plays into Zoom’s game and uncovers the evil speedster’s true goal: to destroy all Earths in the multiverse. In the race of his life, Barry ultimately gets the upper hand against Zoom and defeats his nemesis. But unable to celebrate victory, Barry makes a world-shaking decision and speeds back in time to the night his mother died to stop Reverse Flash from killing her, irrevocably changing his past and redetermining his future.

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