The Flash: The New Rogues Live Recap

The Flash Season 3, Episode 4 'The New Rogues' starts with a flashback to three years ago with [...]

The Flash Season 3, Episode 4 "The New Rogues" starts with a flashback to three years ago with Mirror Master (Sam Scutter) and lady Top (Roslyn Dillon) in a warehouse when Captain Cold (Leonard Snart) walkss in asking about a deal gone bad.

Mirror Master and Top tell Snart they want out - leading to an epic battle between the three Rogues, which ends with Captain Cold throwing Mirror Master into his own mirror just as the particle excelerator at STAR labs explodes, giving the three villains their metahuman powers.

Flash forward to the present and a demo crew is cleaning up the same warehouse. A man sets up an old mirror, and Mirror Master pops out screaming, "WHERE'S SNART!?"

Back at STAR labs, Barry and Jesse are back at it again with some serious speed force training. Jesse trips up, but Barry explains to her that she needs to learn to anticipate in order to master her powers.

Jesse and Wally flirt and run off together holding hands as Wells says, "NO TOUCHING!"

Meanwhile at the Central City police department Cecille delivers no information to Joe about Doctor Alchemy. She asks if this guy is a metahuman.

WOAH - Back at the West residence Iris and Barry are enjoying a few adult beverages and getting cozy on the couch when DAD pops in the front door unexpectedly. Barry speeds away and acts like they weren't just making out - heavily.


Iris tells Barry that they are both adults and he should talk to Joe about their dating situation.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the darkness, Mirror Master meets up with his old crew asking, "WHERE'S SNART!?" They respond with, "I don't know" and Mirror Master violently throws them into a nearby mirror...

Back at the police department, the old crew member is telling the police about Sam Scutter. Joe asks Barry where Snart is. Barry tells him that Snart is gone because he "ran off with some friends of theirs."

Barry attemps to talk to Joe about the awkward kiss moment, making things MORE awkward between them. Joe ends the conversation with, "Just do what you gotta do."

At STAR labs, Wells is configuring a tech laser to send out an elaborate help wanted ad to the entire multiverse hoping to find another version of himself for Team Flash, before he returns to Earth-2. He sends out the signal and...nothing happens.

Cut to Jesse and Wally parading down the street like a happy couple, but when Jesse plants one on him, Wally stops her saying this can't work because she is going back to Earth-2.

Team Flash is discussing the new metahuman that showed up and searching for his old associates, that he seems to be going after. They figure out that Scutter (who is now Mirror Master dubbed by Wells) has one last person he might contact - TOP.

Joe goes to the prison to visit Top, who is also apparently Mirror Masters ex gal. In a hot second Scutter shows up in a glass reflection and instantly disappears with Roslyn by his side while saying, "COME AND GET US!"

(Photo: WB/CW)

At STAR labs, the team figures out that Mirror Master can use reflections in glass and mirrors to travel, but doesn't have his Mirror Gun like he does on Earth-2.

Back at the same warehouse, Sam is explaining to Roslyn that he has been stuck in that mirror since the particle excellerator exploded. Top tells him to hold on to something while she warped her surroundings in a circle.

The two Rogues decided to take the city, but Top tells Mirror Master about the Flash.

HAHA. Back at STAR labs, Cisco, Caitlyn, and Wells are interviewing doppleganger replacements for Wells who all seem horrible until a super-cool version of Wells from Earth-19 appears wearing a fedora, a hip vest, and talks some jive code. Caitlyn and Cisco like this new Wells, but Earth-2 Wells says, "NO, I have a bad feeling about him."

Back at the West residence, Iris addresses the elephant in the room - the awkward cuddling and kissing around DAD. But they are interrupted by a robbery in progress.

(Photo: The CW)

Barry and Jesse head to the scene, to find the two Rogues, Mirror Master and his special gal Top, happily dancing in the hallway claiming they are going to take the city and they no longer care about Snart.

Barry chases after them as they move through the glass up and down the tallest buildings in the city. Top catches up with Jesse and spins her world around, causing her to lose her balance. As Barry is trying to help Jesse up off the ground, MIRROR MASTER TRAPS BARRY IN A MIRROR FOREVER!

They take Barry back to STAR labs, still trapped in the mirror. Cisco figures out that Barry is speaking in reverse because he is stuck in a mirror. GET IT?

Wells figures out that they need to use the mirror as a wormhole to get him out by slowing down the molecules and other scientific jargon to let Barry pass through.

Jesse is feeling bad because she made a mistake that got Barry trapped in the first place. Wally approaches her and tries to make her feel better and ends up kissing her, saying he's not scared anymore that she lives on a different planet.

They aren't sure their plan is going to work, so Cisco suggests they send the plan to the super cool version of Wells and ask him what he thinks. Again, Wells says no.

Iris takes the extra time to check out her butt in the mirror that Barry is stuck in. And Barry takes the time to tell Iris he is sorry for being stuck with their relationship, explaining that he is feeling nervous about the new dynamic in this timeline. He is scared because he has everything right now and doesn't want to mess it up.

While stuck in the mirror, Barry figures out a way to stop Scutter. Cisco and Wells hook up the molecular decellulator to "freeze" Barry out of the mirror, but it's not cold enough.


Caitlyn waits for everyone to leave, she walks over to the trapped Barry, and ejects extremely cold temperatures from her fingertips and onto the mirror with an extreme chill. What's that about Caitlyn?

She freezes the entire mirror and BARRY IS FREE!

Captain Cold picks up a phone and calls Mirror Master. They meet in a circus tent full of mirrors and The Flash shows up. THEY TRICKED HIM! Snart was just a hologram to get Mirror Master to come out to the circus.

(Photo: WB/CW)

Barry and Jesse start smashing all the mirrors and using an infinite reflective loop that Mirror Master can't escape. "Have fun getting out!" Barry tells Scutter as soon as he realizes he is trapped in a forever maze of reflections at the worst circus in Central City.

They put Scutter in a Mirror Master proof cell, ensuring that he will never get out of there. Cecille asks Joe out to dinner, but Joe says no because he's being a nervous wimp.

The super-cool new version of Wells shows up and speaks like a robot, "GREETINGS, EARTHLINGS!" But insists he is just joking. Team Flash welcome him to Earth-1, while Harry and Jesse say some emotional goodbyes as they go home to Earth-2. Bye, guys.

Harry whispers in Barry's ear that it wasn't himself and Cisco that freed him from the mirror. OOOOOH! They get closer to finding out Caitlyn's secret.

Back at the West residence, Barry suggests that he get his own place and everyone agrees, which would make things much less awkward for Iris and Barry's budding romance!

Meanwhile Caitlyn hops in a hot shower an accidentally freezes the water. She gets out with shivering cold blue lips and white hair falls from her head.

Until next week...