The Suicide Squad Producer Won't Rule Out Marvel / DC Crossover (Exclusive)

If there is a director mad enough to bring a crossover between Marvel Comics and DC Comics [...]

If there is a director mad enough to bring a crossover between Marvel Comics and DC Comics characters on the big screen to life, it might just be James Gunn. Of course, this would require some of the most intense and hard to imagine hoops to jump through in regards to movie rights, finances, and all sorts of legal jargon. Still, Gunn admitted recently that he has talked with people at Disney and Warner Brothers, the parent companies to Marvel Studios and DC Films, about such a crossover event. While it is showing no signs of life right now, veteran DC producer Charles Roven (who has now worked with Gunn on The Suicide Squad after making Scooby-Doo with him years ago) suggests never ruling out such an event.

"James hasn't approached me with that," Roven admitted. "But that just goes back to the comment I made earlier, why should we ever say never? What value does never have really?"

Gunn, earlier this year, revealed on Twitter that he has brought up the idea of Marvel and DC having a joint film. "I've casually talked to the powers-that-be at both Marvel & DC about it," Gunn said. "I would love for it to happen. I don't think it's likely, but I don't think it's an impossibility either. THAT SAID, just constantly seeing crossovers & mashups is less enchanting to me than a strong story."

Roven, in the quote above, was referencing an earlier part of an interview with which supplemented our coverage from the set of The Suicide Squad. In talking about the ever-changing landscape of the DC movie world, Roven opened up about having multiple actors playing Superman in films, as this is already the case with Batman seeing as Robert Pattinson, Ben Affleck, and Michael Keaton will all don the cape and cowl in upcoming films.

"If they're going to go along with a filmmaker's vision, you have to allow for multiple visions," Roven said. "You can't have it any other way. Not everybody's going to think alike. And so I think if somebody brought them a cohesive vision, it's my understanding, and I could be wrong because I haven't read the script or whatever, but even in The Flash thing that supposedly has multiple Batman's, it does have somewhat of a cohesive vision to the universe that's been created since Ezra [Miller] has been playing The Flash. And so, they're not saying never to anything and I like that. It's got to work. You know what I'm saying? It's got to work. You got to be able to actually say, 'Here's what I'm really going to deliver,' and then it's got to work.

But to say, 'We're never going to do that,' I just don't think you need to do that. Because quite frankly, the comic books that this is all based on, the canon that this is all based on has never done that either. They've been able to do amazing off-shoots and listen, look at what Geoff Johns has done by helping create the New 52, when the Canon was getting a little stale. And look what, he did it again when he created all the different Lanterns, not just a Green Lantern. I mean why shouldn't you be able to do that in the film medium, in the motion picture medium?"

Do you want to see a Marvel and DC crossover film? Share your thoughts in the comment section or send them my way on Instagram! The Suicide Squad hits theaters on August 6.