Wendy's Wants To See New Marvel and DC Crossover Comics, Too

Like many comic book fans, Wendy's is hungry for more Marvel/DC team-ups.Last week, when we had [...]

Like many comic book fans, Wendy's is hungry for more Marvel/DC team-ups.

Last week, when we had about three solid days of fast food restaurants choosing their favorite comic book universe, Wendy's tried to leverage its position as the first big name to chime in to get more team-up comics from Marvel and DC.

Don't laugh: there have been instances where Twitter exchanges got a comic made, including Greg Pak and Jonathan Coulton's decision to partner on Code Monkey Save World.

After DC chimed in to express its broken-hearted feelings about the Wendy's Twitter account choosing Marvel as their preferred comic book universe, Wendy's took advantage of having the Marvel and DC brand avatars in the same space to ask a question fans have been asking for years:

Unsurprisingly, neither the DC nor the Marvel account responded.

Over the years, DC has expressed tentative interest in doing more Marvel team-ups when quizzed by fans, but admitted that they were difficult to make work, both practically and financially. Marvel's Tom Brevoort has been more blunt, saying that it was basically impossible to make such crossovers worthwhile for Marvel, because even though they will sell very well, it will require top-tier (read: expensive) talent and profitsharing with DC. That means it would have to sell monumentally well in order to exceed the money Marvel could make just by doing a couple of "regular" hot books in the same timeframe.

The last Marvel/DC crossover came in 2004 with JLA/Avengers, a series that had been proposed way back in the '80s. Work even started on the book back then, and some of that art -- despite being dated by the 2000s -- was used in the final project.

For Marvel, it does not seem personal; they hardly ever cross over with anybody these days, and have seemingly not even been tempted back into the ring by the idea of getting Todd McFarlane to do a Spawn/Spider-Man book.

DC, meanwhile, has re-entered the crossover ring with a vigor in recent years, publishing comics like Archie/Batman '66 and Justice League/Might Morphin Power Rangers. The company today announced not only the third Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles miniseries, but an animated movie based on the first of those series.

...Now, what we really want to see is the sheer insanity of making a Marvel/DC crossover sponsored by Wendy's and only available at their restaurants. Heads (and taste buds?) would explode.


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