The little the world has already seen of Wonder Woman 1984 already hints at a lot of retro style, but fans are having fun taking the film’s aesthetic into a whole direction.
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BossLogic recently shared a pair of pieces, which provide the newly-resurrected Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) with an even more ’80s wardrobe. The first, which you can check out below, imagines Steve as a boombox-wielding breakdancer, clad in head-to-toe Adidas.
The second one, which pairs with BossLogic’s ’80s-heavy Wonder Woman edit, reimagines one of the set photos of Pine that came out yesterday. In addition to the Adidas jumpsuit, Steve is given a “DOPE” 4-finger ring, and a Green Lantern ring hanging from a series of gold chains.
While it’s safe to assume that the film won’t lean this much into ’80s pop culture, recent set videos have hinted that the film could reverse Diana and Steve’s whole “fish out of water” dynamic from the first film.
So far, fans have responded pretty well to the film’s ’80s setting, as it will allow viewers to see Diana at a different point in time in her superhero career than in Wonder Woman, Batman vs. Superman, and Justice League.
“She is now at her full powers. We’re raising the bar.” director Patty Jenkins said at Warner Bros.’ CinemaCon panel.
“Other than the wonderful work Lynda Carter did in the TV show, this character was never really told on the big screen.” star Gal Gadot echoed during an interview last year. “We just see her origin story. But there’s so much to explore with this character who has 75 years of legacy, there’s so much material and so many ways and I’m psyched about it.”
What do you think of this new Wonder Woman 1984 fanart? Let us know what you think in the comments below.
Wonder Woman 1984 is expected to land in theaters on November 1, 2019.