Writer Greg Rucka continues to weave an intriguing tale of Wonder Woman’s past and present as the Amazon hunts for answers in the most unlikeliest of places.
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The issue kicks off with Etta Candy meeting wit a familiar face, that of Sasha Bordeaux. Followers of DC lore will know her as one of the more recognizable members of Checkmate. Her friendship with Etta Candy is a welcome wrinkle, as is the furthering of this close-knit bond that Diana and Steve Trevor have with one another.

“She doesn’t need to know. It doesn’t work like that with them…”
Rucka progressively develops that relationship in both the past and the present, and it isn’t the typical romantic entanglement you see so often in comics. It’s more than just love or lust, but rather almost a bonding of souls that these two enjoy. It’s an intriguing angle that Rucka has taken with Diana and Trevor, and I’ve immensely enjoyed it thus far.
Also of note is how much depth Rucka has managed to give Barbara Ann Minerva, who is more known by her villain moniker The Cheetah. There’s a wonderful rapport between her and Wonder Woman, even despite the obvious animosity that Barbara Ann displays towards her. It’s a complicated friendship and tends to command your attention anytime they inhabit a panel together.

“When one of them is in need…the other one will always be there.”
Liam Sharp maintains his winning streak and works wonders on the page, both in terms of pencils and layout. Especially towards the later parts of the book, Sharp isn’t afraid to get creative with some of the panels, panels that are only improved further by Laura Martin’s stellar colors.
The main issues with this latest entry is also part of what makes it great, that being the time jumps. The every other issue format of the story Rucka’s telling is compelling, but at times it becomes a bit hard to follow, with certain aspects of both stories blending in a bit too much. Not sure what the plan is for the long haul, but hopefully the stories converge sooner rather than later, as eventually, things might start to get a bit too muddied. At this point, though, the book continues to be a worthy addition to your monthly pull list.
Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars
Written By: Greg Rucka
Drawn By: Liam Sharp
Colors By: Laura Martin
Letters By: Jodi Wynne