Zack Snyder Reveals Man Of Steel Sequel Would Probably Have Included Brainiac

As we now know, the 2013 movie Man of Steel may have had follow-up movies but a direct sequel [...]

As we now know, the 2013 movie Man of Steel may have had follow-up movies but a direct sequel never materialized. Though Henry Cavill would return as Superman and Zack Snyder would be back as a director, no proper Man of Steel 2 ever happened, but that doesn't mean there weren't plans for what might have been. In the years since such a film might have been released, Snyder has opened up about things that were considered and has done so again. While speaking with Post-Credit Podcast in a new interview for Army of the Dead, Snyder spoke about villains they wanted in a sequel.

"We talked about a Brainiac movie," Snyder said. "The Kryptionians that are in the Phantom Zone are probably still around and there was always a possibility for their return. Faora and whoever's left, so that always was a thing that was out there that we talked about as a possible sequel, follow-up. So there was a lot of that. I just always think that it's best to give Superman these kind of extraterrestrial challenges because I think that you've got to be careful, other than Lex, and of course you have to continue with Lex because Lex is his real nemesis, but like I think you really have to look outside of the Earth for challenges for him because of how powerful he is."

The hope for a Henry Cavill-led Superman sequel seems dim these days as Warner Bros. has put a new Superman movie into development with J.J. Abrams producing and Ta-Nehisi Coates writing the script, the project will feature a black Clark Kent/Superman.

Despite all of this Henry Cavill said last summer he hopes to play Superman for "years to come."

"I've always been a fan of Superman," Cavill shared with Variety, adding "With a character like that, you carry the mantle with you off set. And it becomes part of your public representation. When you meet children, children don't necessarily see me as Henry Cavill, but they might see Superman, and there's a responsibility which comes with that. Because it's such a wonderful character, it's actually a responsibility I'm happy to have, and I hope that I get to play more of Superman in years to come."

Cavill's place as the Man of Steel is still unclear at this time, despite reportedly signing a deal with WB to return in some capacities in the future. It's unclear if we'll ever see him throw down with Brainiac on the big screen, but we can still dream.