Fortnite Players Encountering Deadly Building Glitch, EPIC Promises Solution Soon

Fortnite players are up in arms over the inability to build through fences. A while back, EPIC [...]


Fortnite players are up in arms over the inability to build through fences. A while back, EPIC Games made it possible to build walls and stairs through in-game objects and geometry, which opened up gameplay possibilities considerably. We take it for granted now, the ability to build stairs or walls on the fly, even with objects in front of us. For whatever reason, though, players have been unable to build through fences, and it's getting people killed. This Reddit post in particular grabbed the attention of EPIC Games:

For the love of god can we please build through fences? I'm tired of dying like this. from r/FortNiteBR

The thread was packed with hundreds of comments all singing the same song, and it wasn't long before an official rep from EPIC decided to chime in. "Thanks for the heads up, we'll look into it. That doesn't seem right." Shortly after his initial comment, he swooped back in to make a quick edit and confirm that the issue has been resolved, and will be fixed in patch 3.6.

Of course, at the moment, we have no idea when patch 3.6 will be dropping. Fortnite has adopted a weekly update scheduled recently which has been working out quite nicely, but we're not sure if next week will see the full shift to version 3.6, or if we'll have other updates before then.

We're coming off of a pretty sizable and controversial update this week, which saw the vaulting of the highly controversial guided missile, big changes to weapon swapping animations, and "peeking" addressed. Fans are mostly happy with the changes, though some are up in arms about the temporary removal of guided missiles.

"We've gotten a lot of feedback around the Guided Missile," EPIC said as part of this week's update, "in particular concerns over fairness and strength of the weapon. We share your concerns, so we've put the Guided Missile into the vault while we figure out the next steps for its future." There's no word yet on how long guided missiles will be on the shelf, or what exactly EPIC is looking to change. We think an easy fix would be to limit the amount of maximum ammunition made available to players who find the launcher, and to make the weapon itself incredibly rare, but no doubt EPIC will find the best solution. We'll keep you guys updated on all of that soon, so stay tuned.