Now you can truly become the Dragonborn as the already immersive Skyrim VR experience becomes much more so with a new voice recognition mod. “FUS RO DAH” until your heart’s content with the ‘Dragonborn Speaks Naturally’ mod now available. This new mod lets you speak your voice commands out loud, causing the action to be set in-motion within the game itself. Pretty neat, right?
Videos by ComicBook.com
Basically how it works is that it runs a background speech recognition program in the background while the player enters into the game. The program attaches itself to Skyrim’s code in order to properly identify which spoken line is attributed to a specific action.
The mod itself is incredibly detailed, though does require a bit of tweaking before diving right in. First, players will need to download this loader here. Then, follow the below instructions, as per the creator:
This mod adds speech recognition to SkyrimVR or SkyrimSE so that you can speak the dialogue lines aloud to select them.
Currently compatible with SkyrimVR and SkyrimSE
1. InstallxSHADOWMANx’s Dll Loader
2. Download the latest archive and extract it to your SkyrimVR/SkyrimSE directory (where SkyrimVR.exe/SkyrimSE.exe is)
3. (Optional) If you need to set your language locale for your needs, the default is your system-installed language. This can be changed by modifying the /Data/Plugins/Sumwunn/DragonbornSpeaksNaturally.ini file and restarting the game.
How to Use
When the dialogue menu appears, try reciting the line out loud and it will be selected.
1. This mod will use your system default microphone input, if you need to change microphones, you’ll have to restart SkyrimVR after doing so.
2. The HTC Vive microphone is not the best, so speech recognition might not work well.
3. Maximize speech recognition accuracy by eliminating as much background noise as possible and ensure your microphone volume is turned up.
4. This mod requires direct hooks into Skyrim which means it will break when Skyrim is updated. I will try to keep this mod up to date with the latest version of SkyrimVR and SkyrimSE as quickly as possible.
How it Works
DSN works by hooking directly into the Skyrim code where the dialogue menu is updated. It also starts a background service to handle the speech recognition. When the background service identifies the dialogue line, the Skyrim hooks execute to select the spoken line.
You can read player comments here while also supporting the creators themselves. Overall, this mod has been met with positive feedback stating that for the most part, it’s pretty accurate. A few lone modders have reported that it has crashed their game, so a little maneuvering might be in order. For the majority, however, it’s been smooth sailing. Happy dragon hunting!