Abandoned Dev "Absolutely Not Proud of" PS5 App

The developer of Abandoned has stated it's not proud of the PS5 app that it released last summer. Abandoned has been one long rollercoaster of emotions since its announcement. When it was revealed, it was a seemingly normal indie horror game about someone stranded in the woods, but then things got weird. People started coming up with wild conspiracy theories suggesting Abandoned was actually a new secret game from Hideo Kojima, perhaps Konami recruited this developer to make a new Silent Hill, and so much more. The whole story of the game is pretty exhausting, especially compared to how little we know about the story or mechanics of the game itself, but it all led up to one big event. In August, developer Blue Box Game Studios released an app on PS5 that would debut the first real look at Abandoned in real-time. Sadly, it was just a short 5 second video of a man walking down a hallway with some text that told fans to stay tuned for the real thing.

Months later, there's nothing to really show for it. People began speculating that Abandoned was canceled, but Blue Box recently denied this and its founder, Hasan Kahraman has been making the rounds and doing interviews. During an interview with the Sacred Symbols podcast, Kahraman said he's "absolutely not proud of" how the app turned out and stated it's "a shame" that they haven't been able to update it with the content they've promised. Nonetheless, there is no clear timeline as to when or how that will be updated. A paid, playable prologue is expected to be released at some point in the future, but it's unclear when. 

Although Kahraman has expressed his disappointment with the app, it's hard to see how he couldn't have seen how it would go wrong. No one was expecting the app until it was announced, so why didn't Blue Box just take its time to work on it before saying anything, that way it could be released when it was ready and not have a five second clip rushed out the door? Once again, the story of Abandoned grows more strange and confusing.

What do you think of Abandoned? Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @Cade_Onder.