Assassin’s Creed Origins Photo Mode Contest Begins - Here's How To Participate

There is no denying that Assassin's Creed: Origins is a stunning game. The atmosphere that Ubisoft [...]


There is no denying that Assassin's Creed: Origins is a stunning game. The atmosphere that Ubisoft has created as players traverse the world of ancient Egypt is an unforgettable experience. Pair the beautiful scenery with the easy to use photo capture mode in-game, and gamers can go nuts showing off their favourite discoveries. To celebrate that exploration, the developers have put together an awesome new Photo Mode contest - here's what you need to know!

The contest officially kicks off on December 7th and will run all the way until January 10th. Every week, Ubisoft will reveal a theme for Origins over on their website and in-game photographers must take that as inspiration for their glorious submissions. The dev team will them judge which photo is the best, and will choose five winners out of every batch. This week's theme is Wild Life - and with all of the different animals in the game of Origins, it will be easy breezy for gamers!

Winners will be chosen by a panel of judges consisting of members of the Assassin's Creed Community Team, based on the following criteria:

1) Originality: Most original of all qualified Entry Photos

2) Art: Most artistic of all qualified Entry Photos

3) Theme: Must be clearly tied to the theme associated with the week that the photo was submitted during.

For the full list of rules and guidelines, check out the official contest post here.

The grand prize winners will have their own photo displayed at the Ubisoft studio, with other in-game goodies as well as a few real life Assassin's Creed loot too! The contest begins on Thursday, December 7th, so get those photography juices flowing!

To stay up to date on the weekly theme: Ubisoft.