Battletoads: Here Is What A Live-Action Rash Could Look Like

Have you ever wondered what Rash would look like in a live-action Battletoads? Well, you are [...]

Have you ever wondered what Rash would look like in a live-action Battletoads? Well, you are certainly not alone, as one dedicated fan has used his artistic talents to create a rendition of Rash that is sure to please any fan of the series.

Digital artist George Evangelista took to Instagram to share his recent work, and the live-action Rash is exactly how one would expect the musclebound toad to look. With a big grin and sunglasses as cool as his attitude, the larger than life Battletoads character is looking like he is ready to take on the Dark Queen in style.

The timing for Evangelista to release his take on a live-action Rash couldn't be any better, as a new Battletoads game is set to arrive this year for the Xbox One family of consoles as well as PC. Not too many specifics have been revealed about the upcoming title, but we do know that there will be hand-drawn 4K 2.5D graphics and three player co-op featured. That means Rash, Pimple, and Zitz will all be playable at the same time, a first for the series.

A lot has changed since the first title was released on the Nintendo Entertainment System back in 1991, but we're sure the humor will flow throughout the new game as it always has in the series. After all, it's said to contain "broad non-specific feature declarations," so there's always that.

What do you have to say about the live-action Rash? Do you now have a mighty need to see a Battletoads movie set in the real world? Sound off in the comment section below, or hit me up over on Twitter @anarkE7!

For a bit more on the original Battletoads:

"The gameplay of Battletoads is considered a mix between side-scrolling games of the beat-em-up genre (similar to that seen in Double Dragon) and arcade-styled vehicle stages. Fighting areas require the 'Toads to punch enemies to weaken them, then finish them off with a Smash Hit, a technique that usually involves comical transformations (such as using giant boots to bash an enemy off the screen). Occasionally, the 'Toads can use their tongues to snag life-replenishing flies and can also find extra lives and level warps."