New Overwatch 2 Modes Possibly Teased by Job Listing

While the basic premise and some details about the upcoming Overwatch 2 from Blizzard [...]

While the basic premise and some details about the upcoming Overwatch 2 from Blizzard Entertainment are known, as with all things related to the Overwatch franchise, fans are quick to latch onto just about any morsel of information as a potential tease or hint at something or other. Take, for example, a job posting by Blizzard for a game designer on Overwatch 2: it includes a line about working on "new modes," and some folks are convinced this means there's even more already in the works for the upcoming video game.

There are several new modes already announced for Overwatch 2, including a new type of "Push" map where a neutral objective is pushed back and forth toward enemy bases, new co-op missions, and so on. That isn't to say there won't be other modes, and in fact, it'd be a bit surprising if there weren't, which is why we've decided to highlight this job posting at all. It's a possible hint that there's more at work for Overwatch 2 than what has been announced.

For context, here's the relevant passage from the aforementioned job listing: "Work with team leadership to design and implement new game modes and other game systems." There's more to the job description, but that's the bit everyone is focusing on here.

Now, admittedly, these "new modes" could simply be a way of referencing those new modes already announcied without explicitly repeating them in the job listing. After all, if you're applying for a position as a game designer on Overwatch 2, you probably already at least followed along enough to have seen the announcement of the new video game at last year's BlizzCon, which means you should -- in theory -- be aware of the upcoming modes.

What do you think of what we've seen of Overwatch 2 so far? Are you excited to check out what the sequel has to offer, or will you be sticking with whatever manages to come to the original? Let us know in the comments, or hit me up directly on Twitter at @rollinbishop to talk all things gaming!

Here's how the job posting describes Overwatch 2:

"In Overwatch 2, the nations of Earth are under assault. As the omnic forces of Null Sector launch a barrage of surprise attacks around the world, the planet's governments and militaries prove quickly outmatched—and the remnants of the fearless strike force once known as Overwatch rally to make a valiant stand. Now the world's heroes must each decide whether to answer the call to reemerge, reunite, and serve as a beacon of hope in a new era of crisis."

Overwatch 2 is currently in development for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC. It's unclear exactly when it might release. You can check out all of our previous coverage of the upcoming sequel right here.