Cyberpunk 2077 and Why It Was "Very Smart" to Keep Gameplay Private

CD Projekt RED definitely knows how to hype of RPG fans fans and the game makers behind the iconic [...]

CD Projekt RED definitely knows how to hype of RPG fans fans and the game makers behind the iconic The Witcher series has no shortage of fans concerning their upcoming title, Cyberpunk 2077. Among them is the Cyberpunk 2077 creator Mike Pondsmith himself and he's got a few words to say regarding the developer's decision to keep gameplay a secret from the general public.

"We have an awful lot of stuff that we want to do, and it's going to take time to do it. And I'm hoping the fans are going to give us the time to do it," said Pondsmith in a recent sit down with IGN.

Though the game is "probably" years away, Pondsmith assured fans once more that the game will be well worth the wait. CD Projekt RED has always been very much at their own pace. They show their projects when they are ready, when they deem footage worth being shown. The studio has stated in the past that they wanted to make sure when they reveal actual gameplay that it is 100% what will be in the final product, which is fair. Pondsmith even agreed saying it was "very smart not to show the whole world gameplay."

The creator of the tabletop RPG that inspired CD Projekt RED's latest adventure also opened up during an earlier interview with YouTubers LastKnownMeal about the decision regarding FPS. He mentioned that because of the density of the game itself, the First Person perspective just makes sense. He also mentioned that this allows more immersive strategy for players, and even makes the conversations with NPCs that much more meaningful. Since the game will feature heaps of romance, we're sure that there are more than a few people excited to learn that bit.

Vi isn't slaying wyvvern like Geralt from The Witcher, they're slaying thugs. Working from the bottom up in the criminal underground is no easy task. Players will need to have an incredible arsenal of cybernetics and weaponry at their disposal, which is why the First Person perspective fits perfectly. Essentially, this is a First Person Shooter, and the gameplay design really was meant for just that.

Overall, the world of Cyberpunk 2077 seems to be a wild one and the adventures players will go through look to be incredible. Unfortunately, however, we still don't have a release date. That being said, you can catch up on all of our thoughts about the upcoming RPG, as well as stay in the know with the latest news with our Community Hub right here.

You can also follow the author of this story over on Twitter to ask what she thought her time with the game over @DirtyEffinHippy.