Those looking for more news on the Dead Space remake may want to settle in for a wait seeing how it appears we’re not going to get much more – if any – news on the game this year. A developer working at Electronic Arts’ Motive studio that’s developing the remake said this week that the team would look forward to showing people more of the game “next year when we’re further in development.”
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Caden House, the community manager for Motive, shared a post on Reddit within the Dead Space subreddit that showed some footage from the development of the Dead Space remake. The footage shown was in line with what people saw from watching the Dead Space stream that aired not long ago and offered a better look at the game. It appears now, however, that the big Dead Space showcase was one of the last real looks at the game we’ll get this year.
“We’re going to be heads down now working on the game, taking some time to review all the thoughts, theories, and suggestions you’ve all shared with us,” House said in a comment following up the video. “We look forward to showing you how you’ve helped shape the game next year when we’re further in development!”
Part of the same message was shared by the Twitter account for the Dead Space series to make sure people who were following it knew not to expect much more about the game throughout the rest of the year.
As one might’ve expected from watching the Dead Space stream, everything that was shown there was a work in progress. House reiterated that fact by saying the team will be “working on things like Isaac’s suit, the aesthetic and ambiance of the Ishimura” as development on the game continues.
It sure sounds like the game’s going dark for the rest of the year, but perhaps we’ll get lucky and will get a teaser or some more footage shared through Twitter, Reddit, or elsewhere. The developers have said already that the game’s release is a long time out from now, however, with no release window attached to the remake at this time, so it looks like the safest bet is to not expect anything more on Dead Space throughout the next couple of months until Motive has more to share.