Destiny 2 Update Adds New Feature for PS5 Players

Destiny 2 got a new update this week, and with that came the addition of a feature that’s [...]

Destiny 2 got a new update this week, and with that came the addition of a feature that's exclusive to the PlayStation 5 version. For those playing Destiny 2 on the next-gen PlayStation, you'll find that there are now Activity Cards that appear whenever you access the Control Center while playing the game. These Activity Cards appear to only have limited uses at this time, but perhaps they'll be expanded on in the future to be more valuable to Destiny 2 players.

News of the Activity Cards feature being used in Destiny 2 was shared within the patch notes for the game's latest update. Under the "Platforms and Systems" section, it simply says "Added quick launch Activity Cards for PlayStation 5" with no additional information about how those Activity Cards were employed.

Thankfully, we've gotten some accounts from players online to indicate how the Activity Cards can be used now that they've been added for PlayStation 5 owners. One player on Reddit said they had to open Destiny 2 first, and from the game's main menu, they found two Activity Cards on the Control Center that would take players either to the Tower or to Europa. Choosing one of the Activity Cards before logging in will apparently bring players to the character select screen and then whisk them away to their chosen destination shortly after picking a character.

It's a small time-saver, but it's a benefit for PlayStation 5 users that's exclusive to that platform. Other players expressed hopes that the feature would be expanded on in the future to incorporate more Activity Cards into the Control Center, but as is the case with all the Activity Cards featured in different games, it's up to the developers whether or not more are added and what they'll do.

Aside from that new PlayStation 5 feature, much of the rest of the update dealt with bugfixes and other improvements for various parts of the game without too many notable gameplay adjustments. You can read through the full patch notes for Destiny 2's latest update here.