
Destiny 2: Xur Location and Exotic Gear

We love Xur. He’s a wonderful mixture of Where’s Waldo and Santa Clause. Thankfully he’s a little […]

We love Xur. He’s a wonderful mixture of Where’s Waldo and Santa Clause. Thankfully he’s a little easier to find in Destiny 2 than he was in Destiny 1, but you still have to do a little digging to find him. So where is Xur right now, and where will you find is little IX icon on the map?

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Where is Xur hiding right now?

Right now you can find Xur on Io. If you load it up in the director just keep an eye out for his “IX” emblem. Remember that Xur only appears on Fridays, and only sticks around until the next reset (on Tuesday), so don’t miss your chance to pay him a visit and get some awesome stuff!

So what is Xur selling right now?

Xur has a great armor lineup this week, but the weapon is only so-so. Hunters can look forward to oen of the best PvP helmets in the game, while Titans also have a sweet piece of chest gear that compliments the Sweet Business auto-rifle perfectly. Let’s take a look!

Exotic Weapon: D.A.R.C.I.


Sniper rifles in general are in need of some serious beefing up inย Destiny 2 so it’s hard to get too excited about this one, but at least D.A.R.C.I. does reward more able-thumbed players with an incredibly high precision shot damage output.

Weapon Perks:

Personal Assistant

  • Aim at an enemy to view its health and other critical information in the scope.

Extended Barrel

  • Weighty barrel extension.
  • Increases range
  • Decreases handling speed

Extended Mag

  • This weapon has a greatly increased magazine size, but reloads much slower.
  • Greatly increases magazine size
  • Greatly decreases reload speed

Target Acquired

  • When Personal Assistant is active, this weapon has better target acquisition and deals more precision damage.

Short-Action Stock

  • This weapon is especially easy to grip.
  • Greatly increases handling speed

Hunter Armor: Knucklehead Radar



You know why everyone loves the MIDA Multi-Tool? It’s because it’s a high-powered weapon that allows you to keep your radar up while you aim down your weapon sights, and in the Crucible, there’s no replacing that sense of awareness. With Knucklehead Radar, you can keep your radar active no matter which weapon you’re using.ย There’s something to be said about how cool it looks, too. You don’t earn points in the Crucible for style, but we think that you should.

Armor Perks:


Upgraded Sensor Pack

  • Provides radar while aiming.

Plasteel Reinforcement Mod

  • Increased Resilience.

Restorative Mod

  • Increased Health Recovery.



Titan Armor: Actium War Rig


Just take a look at the main perk on this bad boy, and you’ll understand exactly why we recommend going to war wearing this guy and blasting Sweet Business. Sweet Business is basically a chain gun auto rifle with a deep magazine and incredibly high damage output. It’s a great weapon for the raid, and this armor will keep that magazine going for much longer than usual. It’s scary for your enemies, and a lot of fun for you. Let a rip!

Armor Perks:

Auto-Loading Link

  • Steadily reloads a portion of your equipped Auto Rifle’s magazine from reserves.

Plasteel Reinforcement Mod

  • Increased Resilience.

Restorative Mod

  • Increased Health Recovery.

Warlock Armor: Eye of Another World



Eye of Another World is a largely forgettable piece of Warlock gear that, in my opinion, is useful only for general PvE questing: patrols, public events, etc. The uptick in grenade, melee, and rift recharge rate isn’t dramatic enough to make a huge difference in the Crucible.

Cerebral Uplink

  • Highlights priority targets and improves the regeneration speed of your Grenade, Melee, and Rift abilities.

Mobility Enhancement Mod

  • Increased Mobility

Restorative Mod

  • Increased Health Recovery.
