Big Diablo 4 News Teased for BlizzCon

Blizzard shared the last of Diablo IV’s quarterly updates for 2020 this week to close out the [...]

Blizzard shared the last of Diablo IV's quarterly updates for 2020 this week to close out the year with a look at items, weapon types, and other core parts of the Diablo formula that'll look a bit different in the new game. The content discussed was fairly dense and would therefore make more sense to those who've been following not only the quarterly updates but Diablo games overall, but there was one line from the update that required no background knowledge to get excited about: A tease for "something chunky" to be shared at the next BlizzCon event.

Diablo IV showing up at BlizzCon or any other major Blizzard event is a given at this point now that the game's been revealed, but based on the wording used in the latest Diablo IV update, we can at least piece together some idea of what might be revealed in February when BlizzConline takes place. Diablo IV game director Luis Barriga said what's to come will have something to do with the campfire scene shown at the last BlizzCon.

"Speaking of which, our next update will take place during BlizzConline, rather than in blog form," Barriga said. "We've read speculation about what it could be and want to ensure you that it is something chunky indeed. Without spoiling the surprise, Iet's just say it involves a new version of the campfire scene we showed you last BlizzCon."

Again, you'd have to have paid attention to the initial reveal to figure out what's being teased here, but if you didn't, we watched it for you. The "campfire scene" in question was one where we saw three of the five total classes that'll appear in the game: The Barbarian, Sorceress, and Druid. All three were gathered around a campfire with special focus devoted to each one and their powers later on after first introducing players to the trio.

Based on that reveal and the latest tease, it's expected that the trio will grow during the next BlizzCon event with another class – or perhaps classes – revealed. Players have indeed been speculating about which Diablo classes would return in the new game or which new classes would be added, and we'll hopefully finally see more on that in February.

BlizzConline is the new version of BlizzCon that's taking place from February 19th to February 20th. Like other events, it's been moved to an online-only format. We should see a schedule for events and presentations released closer to time if past Blizzard events are any indication of what's to come, and regardless of whether it's a new class or not, look for more Diablo news to be shared at the event.