Dillon Danis Announces He Will Retire From Fighting Pending UFC Decision

Dillon Danis may be done with fighting.

Dillon Danis has announced he will retire from fighting pending a decision from the UFC. Following his return to professional fighting via his boxing match with Logan Paul, many are wondering what Dillon Danis will do next. He's cemented himself in the influencer boxing scene, but his decorated background in MMA means a return to professional cage fighting was always going to be more likely than a second bout in the ring. To this end, Dillon Danis has no suggested if he doesn't get his big debut in the UFC he will just retire from professional fighting altogether. 

Dillon Danis has never featured in the UFC, but his background in MMA and his status as one of the most popular and contentious fighters in the world mean there's reasonable expectation for Dana White to hand Danis a debut and notable fight in the UFC, but so far there's been no word of this happening, despite Danis expressing his interest publicly. To this end, Danis has said during a recent interview it's UFC or bust. 

"I'm going to tell Dana White, I don't care who it is, give me anybody," said Danis. "If they don't do it, I'm just going to retire... I can just chill.... I don't need the money, I'm good. I'm chilling. I made enough money off the Logan fight. We made a lot of money, trust me. "

It's unclear if this retirement would be from fighting altogether or just MMA, but it sounds like the former in the clip above. As for how much money Dillon Danis made from his fight against Logan Paul. We don't know. It was less than other headliners as he did not get a cut of the PPV. However, it was clearly a nice purse if he could retire on it.

(Photo: Photo by Matt McNulty/Getty Images and Chris Unger/Getty Images)

It's hard to imagine Danis won't be given a chance by Dana White and the UFC, but so far, it's crickets. However, with Danis' desires very clear and in the public now, there's a good chance we will get clarity on the subject and Danis' future in fighting sooner rather than later.