
E3’s Cancelation Has Video Game Fans Devastated


E3 2022 has been officially canceled. While there had been rumors circulating for several months about the show, today’s announcement came as a bit of a disappointment. The show’s planners claim that an in-person event will happen next year, but many fans remain skeptical, and see this as a potential death knell for the show as a whole. It’s difficult to say for sure, but a lot of gamers are disappointed, either way. E3 was a yearly event that so many fans looked forward to. The news is especially disappointing for those that never had the chance to attend.

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In E3’s place, there will still be plenty of other digital events. Geoff Keighley has used today’s news as an excuse to hype Summer Game Fest, and Limited Run Games has already confirmed that it will still host its annual “LRG3” event. Xbox and Nintendo were likely planning digital events for E3 2022, and will probably still release them, with some adjustments. Gamers will just have to wait and see how things play out, but for now, it’s easy to see why some are disappointed.

Keep reading to see what fans are saying about E3!

E3 was definitely something to look forward to!

Gif says it all.

Probably where it belongs, honestly.

That might be one positive!

Some are worried about what it could mean for gaming…

…while others are sad they might never get a chance to go.

It’s hard to beat that hype!

Certain employers might be happy, though.