Bethesda Makes 2 Elder Scrolls Games Absolutely Free

To coincide with QuakeCon 2022, Bethesda has announced that it's giving away two different entries in the Elder Scrolls franchise for no cost whatsoever. In a time where many fans simply have to continue waiting for The Elder Scrolls 6 to finally release, some have started returning to older installments in the series to help make that wait a bit easier. Luckily, if you're someone who is also looking to do this, you can now snag the first two games in the franchise without having to spend a dime. 

As of today, both The Elder Scrolls: Arena and The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall are free to obtain on PC. Specifically, these titles are being given away via the Microsoft Store. This marks the first time that the first two entries in The Elder Scrolls series have ever come to the Microsoft Store. Previously, the platform only offered up Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind, and The Elder Scrolls Online

Believe it or not, this isn't the first time this year that Bethesda has given out both Arena and Daggerfall for free. Back in the spring, the publisher made this pair of Elder Scrolls titles free for those on Valve's Steam platform. This marked the first time that these games had come to Steam, and as such, Bethesda was looking to celebrate their arrival by simply giving them away for nothing, which is an offer that has continued in perpetuity. Now, the same thing is happening with the Microsoft Store, which makes sense given that Bethesda is owned by the massive tech corportation. 

It's worth noting that at the time of publishing, both Arena and Daggerfall have yet to actually appear on the Microsoft Store. In all likelihood, they won't populate until QuakeCon 2022 formally kicks off this afternoon. When they do finally show up, though, you should be able to easily add them to your own digital game library on PC with ease. 

How do you feel about Bethesda making this pair of Elder Scrolls games free on PC? Are you going to look to snag these titles for yourself? Let me know either down in the comments or reach out to me on Twitter at @MooreMan12.