Fallout 76 Update Adds "Public Events"

Fallout 76 players will soon find that there’s a new type of event to take part in thanks to the [...]

Fallout 76 players will soon find that there's a new type of event to take part in thanks to the recently released Patch 13. This update has introduced "Public Events," a new classification of existing events that builds on the feature by giving players time to coordinate their efforts and providing more details to plan for the tasks accordingly. Players will see UI changes as well as new mechanics at play during these Public Events when the update is downloaded.

Bethesda's notes for Patch 13 outlined the Public Events features and changes and how they'll affect players. A quick rundown of the improvements to Public Events includes more noticeable icons on the map and the ability to freely fast travel to this type of event. These Public Events are the product of players' feedback, a previous article from Bethesda about the feature explained.

"After reading through many pages of your likes, dislikes, and suggestions, we put together a plan to address your feedback with a series of quality of life improvements," Bethesda said. "We've selected a number of existing multiplayer-focused events and recategorized them as "Public Events," which will differ from regular events in many ways."

Detailed below is a list of everything you can expect to see once you check out your first Public Event.


  • Public Events feature a larger and more noticeable Map icon compared to normal events.
  • Highlighting an active Public Event on the Map now displays a dialog box that offers more details, such as:
    • How many players are currently participating.
    • How much time has passed since the event began.
    • A general difficulty rating, which is based more on the complexity of the event's objectives than the difficulty of the enemies.
    • The type of gameplay offered by that event (Boss, Defense, etc.).
  • Public Event Loading Screens now display more detailed event descriptions, including tips for success.
  • When a Public Event begins, all players on that world who have reached level 7 and are not inside a Vault will receive an announcement near the top-left corner of the screen.


  • Fast Travel to Public Events is now free.
  • Players no longer drop Junk on death during Public Events in Adventure Mode.
    • Instead, the respawn timer will increase with each successive death, up to a max of 20 seconds.
  • Public Events feature a period of time that players can use to gather and coordinate before starting an event.
    • After entering the event area or Fast Traveling to the event, a timer will be displayed to show how long players have left to group up and make plans.
    • Players can complete a starting objective to begin an event early. For example, turning on the boilers during Tea Time.
    • If no players are in the event area and no one has completed the event's starting objective when the timer expires, the event will shut down.
  • All Public Events, except Scorched Earth, Encryptid, and Seasonal Events, now share the same cooldown period from the start of the previous event until the next begins.

Fallout 76's Patch 13 with the new Public Events is scheduled to release on September 10th.