Far Cry 7 Update Given By Insider

Far Cry is one of Ubisoft's biggest series. The French games maker hasn't announced a new installment in the series yet, but the expectation is it will continue in the near future with Far Cry 7. That said, according to a new report, "near future" may be a little hopeful. The report is brief and comes the way of "Script" over on Twitter. For those unfamiliar with this source: they are a well-known leaker. Most recently, they leaked our first look at the gameplay of Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora. In other words, there's reason to believe they have access into Ubisoft of some sort. 

According to the leaker, Far Cry 7 has not entered development, which means it's still quite a ways off. If this is accurate, the wait between Far Cry 6 and Far Cry 7 is going to be much longer than the wait between Far Cry 5 and Far Cry 6. This wait was only three years, but if Far Cry 7 hasn't started development, there's no chance it will be able to release next year, which it would need to do repeat the same time gap.

Again, if this report is true, then the game is likely not going to be here until 2026 at the earliest. This would be a five-year wait, which is a long wait for Far Cry fans, who are used to getting new games at quite a quick rate. That said, it's possible a spin-off will release between now and Far Cry 7. If not, it's unclear why there's going to be such a long gap unless the series is being dramatically and technically overhauled, which is possible. Since Far Cry 3, the series' critical acclaim has slowly been dropping. Far Cry 5 was able to alleviate this by posting the biggest sales the series has ever seen, but these sales were not replicated by Far Cry 5. The series is very important to Ubisoft, so it's possible it's going back to the drawing board in order to reverse this decline. 

All of that said, take everything here with a grain of salt. All we have is this report and the speculation it has created. So far, it has not drawn any comment from Ubisoft. If this changes, we will be sure to update the story accordingly.