Final Fantasy VII Remake Coming to Xbox One, According to GameStop

It look likes Final Fantasy VII Remake isn't actually a PlayStation 4 exclusive, or if it is, it's [...]

It look likes Final Fantasy VII Remake isn't actually a PlayStation 4 exclusive, or if it is, it's only a timed exclusive. Because according to GameStop Ireland, the game is coming to Xbox One as well. The Ireland branch of the retailer has gone up with a listing for the game on Xbox One, seemingly letting the cat out of the bag that the remake is a multi-platform game. Since its announcement, Square Enix has only announced the game for PlayStation 4. And it seems Sony also has some type of marketing deal in place for the game, which has now reared its head at PlayStation's E3 presser and during one of its State of Play livestreams. As a result, many believed Sony forked out some cash to get the game exclusive to the PlayStation 4, but it doesn't seem that's the case.

Of course, there's also the possibility that this is nothing more than a mistake by some GameStop employee. It wouldn't be the first time a game has been listed for a platform it isn't coming to. Normally GameStop doesn't have mix ups like this though. However, it does have a history of accidentally leaking announcements.

While Square Enix hasn't announced any platforms for Final Fantasy VII Remake beyond PS4, it also has never said its exclusive to the platform. And given that the series has appeared on the Xbox One in the past, it always seemed odd this would skip the console. Of course, this begs the question: is the game coming to any other platforms? PC or Nintendo Switch? Who can say, but if it's not a PS4 exclusive, the possibility is surely on the table.

Final Fantasy VII Remake is, officially, only in development for PS4, and according to a new report, the first episode is releasing in the first half of 2020.

For more news, media, and information on the upcoming remake, be sure to peep all of our previous and extensive coverage of the game by clicking right here. And, as always, feel free to leave a comment letting us know what you think or, alternatively, hit me up on Twitter @Tyler_Fischer_ and let me know over there.