
‘Fortnite’ Devs Change How Explosive Damage Works Following Player Backlash

With all of the incredible success Fortnite has seen since Epic Games launched their Battle Royale […]

With all of the incredible success Fortnite has seen since Epic Games launched their Battle Royale mode, it’s hard to remember that this multi-billion dollar game is still technically in beta. Because of this, changes are going to happen – and frequently – and not all of those changes will be popular.

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With their latest update now live, some players were not happy to see the recent buffs made to how explosives work in Fortnite. The community backslash was almost immediate, including professional players, prompting swift action from the studio at Epic Games.

With both Twitter and Reddit alight with fan reaction, Design Lead Eric Williamson confirmed on his own account that they will reverting the recent changes made that allows 25% of explosive damage to “penetrate through structures and the environment.”

Immediately following his message, the official Fortnite account echoed the Design Lead’s statement:

The hotfix is is expected to go live today at some point with no downtime expected.

In other Fortnite news, the week 6 challenges are now live.For those that may be new to the world of Battle Royale, these weekly challenges are a set of quests that Epic Games has given to participants looking for a different way to level up and climb up those tier ranks. The goal essentially is to get all of the Battle Stars so that players can unlock progressive loot to show off to others. Get that stylish gear and show everybody else who is boss.

Free Challenges:

  • Place Chillers in different matches – 0/3
  • Search a chest in different Named Locations – 0/7
  • Shotgun eliminations – 0/3

Battle Pass Challenges:

  • Stage 1: Land at Shifty Shafts – 0/1
  • Deal damage with a pickaxe to opponents – 0/250
  • Stage 1: Find the Sheet Music in Pleasant Park – 0/1
  • Stage 1: Elimination with a Common weapon – 0/1

Get those Battle Stars while waiting for the hotfix to go through – sounds like a solid way to pass the time when playing Fortnite.

Fortnite is now available for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, PC, iOS, and select Android players. Don’t forget that there are only a few days left to participate in the Fortnitemares Halloween event to earn special, limited-edition loot and that super sweet looking Dark Engine Glider!