Just in time for the World Cup, Fortnite players have quite a few new items available to them. The best part? The soccer themed cosmetics are customizable, allowing fans of the battle royale game to choose which country they want to represent when competing for that coveted Victory Royale!
Videos by ComicBook.com
New skins and a new red card emote are all available, with the soccer outfits having tons of options to choose from as far as countries to take proudly into the battle royale arena. Do our country proud, or the country you’re rooting for, while showing off those sick, sick dance moves while building some epic defenses in-game. It’s pretty neat! And an awesome time to get into the sporty-festive spirit.

The latest cosmetic items comes alongside a new patch that brings back the epic shopping carts and a few other additions:
- Shopping Carts re-enabled
- Pro-AM matches available in Battle Royale
- Player Reporting in Save the World mode
A smaller patch to be sure but with a few very drastic additions. The shopping carts were pulled earlier this week when there were a few in-game glitches found with no found explanation. To take care of it, they were temporarily removed until the problem could be resolved. Luckily, they are back and ready for som epretty sweet map riding off of the most impressive player-built ramps.
In other news, did you see that the Nintendo President of America weighed in on Sony’s decision to continue ignoring cross-platform play after the Switch announcement?
“We embrace working with a developer and enabling them to bring their vision to life,” Fils-Aime said. “And whether that’s Fortnite, whether that’s a number of the other games that have cross-platform play on our console, from a developer standpoint that’s what we want. And we work hard with them to bring that to life.”
Both the PC and Xbox camps has mentioned they want to work with Sony for this particular game, but Sony has been very clear in the past that they don’t feel cross-platform play is a priority for them “at this time.” With the game arriving on Nintendo Switch, available now, we are still holding out hope that the PlayStation crew will ultimately change their mind.
Fortnite is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, Mac, and iOS. The game is also expected to arrive on Android devices this summer, though we don’t have a set release date at this time.