What a wild night. You didn’t miss it did you? Fortnite legend Ninja was joined on his Twitch stream by Drake last night, and the two of them actually played really well together — they even managed to chalk up a victory royale while tag-teaming! What? You did miss it?! Don’t worry fam, we’ve got you covered. Here’s how everything went down.
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If you’ve been living under a rock, there’s this dude called Ninja who streams Fortnite. He’s really good at it. He’s so good, in fact, that he’s managed to amass thousands of subscribers, from whom he earns over half a million dollars every single month. His streams are always popular, but last night, his stream broke records after this happened:
playing fort nite with @ninja https://t.co/OSFbgcfzaZ
โ Drizzy (@Drake) March 15, 2018
That’s right. We’re talking about that Drake. After Drake joined the stream the viewers poured in from all over the world, and at one time Ninja had over 600,000 concurrent viewers on his channel, setting a new Twitch record.
Here are the best moments from last night’s stream.
Drake downed, Ninja sneaks in a win
There’s no worse feeling when playing duos than when you’re close to victory and your teammate goes down. Ninja and Drake were so close to a victory royale they could taste it, when Drake gets popped from a distance. Ninja obviously made moves to revive him, but it wasn’t long before the opposing duo descended upon them.
They would have been screwed if they weren’t Fornite‘s new power-couple. Ninja knows what it’s like to play professionally on a team, and he had Drake giving him all of the information he needed. As soon as he found out his opponent was trying to revive his teammate, rockets and bullets paved the way to victory. LET’S GO!
Ninja’s wife being a fan like the rest of us
I don’t care who you are or what kind of lifestyle you’re used to living — whether humble or extravagant — when you hear that your significant other is playing a video game live with Drake, you peek in your head to see what’s happening.
In this hilarious clip, you can see Ninja’s wife pop in to say hello to Drake. She likely knew that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and like all of us, she just wanted to hear that velvety-smooth voice addressing her directly. She says hi to Drake, Drake politely responds like they’re acquaintances, and she proceeds to go to some back-flips on the floor. We can totally relate.
Travis Scott Avenges Ninja, tells killer to “eat my d#*k.”
Being one of the best players in the world doesn’t make you invincible. In this clip we see that Ninja actually gets downed, and then taken out, but soon Travis Scott invades the scene to avenge his death. Oh yeah, did we mention that rapper Travis Scott eventually joined the stream as well? Things got a little crazy.
You can see Scott charge in with a hand cannon and take out Ninja’s killer. “Eat me d#*k, let’s get it!” Perhaps the best victory cry we’ve ever heard, which is promptly followed up by a making it rain emote, for a little bit of extra salt. This was, hands down, one of the most hilarious moments of the stream, but definitely one of those “you had to be there” moments.
Drake confirms pineapple belongs on pizza
This is by far the most controversial moment of the stream. If you’re a pizza pie lover, you may want to turn away now, because you’re about to hear some disgusting conversation. Ninja couldn’t help but notice that Drake was chomping away on something, so he had to ask what he was snacking on. After Drake said that he was getting down on some pizza, Ninja asked the question:
“Ah man, I feel like a chicken and pineapple pizza could work,” Drake responded with enthusiasm. “I enjoy pineapple on pizza.” So that’s that. The philosophical question that has plagued mankind for decades was finally resolved last night during this legendary stream. Pineapple does, in fact, belong on pizza. Thus spake Drake.
Drake dies in the storm like a noob
I hope you can all see my tongue tucked firmly in my cheek here, because this definitely happens to the best of us. Sorry Drake, I don’t mean to call you out, but this is just too funny to ignore. In this clip we witness the tragic death of Drake, who was injured and overcome by the storm.
As the storm was closing in, Drake attempted to patch up his wounds, but realized that he had left his good gun a few feet away. He runs over to get his gun, which interrupts the healing process. Drake scrambled to get healing again, but by the point the storm was already creeping over him. The structures around him that kept him safe now trapped him in, and soon the storm came over him and took his life. RIP.
Ninja made enough money last night to buy a yacht
Ninja getting all those subs pic.twitter.com/eFWS06y6rb
โ Wario64 (@Wario64) March 15, 2018
In case you missed our report from yesterday, we learned that Ninja is making roughly $560,000 every single month, from subscribers alone, on Twitch. This is before the extra tips, and this is apart from the four million subscribers he has on YouTube. This dude makes bank from his subs, and last night he added a ton of new subscribers. Check out that gifย above.
Throughout the night, after Drake joined the stream, the Twitch chat would occasionallyย look like this; just subscription spam. Every single time someone subs, that’s another $5 thrown at Ninja, and he was getting donations throughout the night as well. This one stream probably made him ungodly amounts of money.