
Fortnite: PlayStation Exclusive Skin Coming Tomorrow

The new update is now live from Epic Games for their wildly popular online title, Fortnite. With a […]

The new update is now live from Epic Games for their wildly popular online title, Fortnite. With a new weapon and a few other odds and ends that are sure to be exciting for those playing, it looks like PlayStation players are getting a little something, something extra. Probably as compensation for less accessible cross-platform play compared to every other platform the game is available on. Who knows!

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Though Epic Games hasn’t actually announced the PlayStation exclusive gear, our friends over at @TwoEpicBuddies on Twitter have never steered us wrong yet when it comes to their datamined findings. Their latest discovery even comes with pictures of what the new cosmetic items will look like:

They look pretty sweet and the date they have it for is June 12th, which is tomorrow. It’s perfect timing with their huge E3 presence this year and the free Fortnite PSN avatars that were available earlier this month. Now if we could just get Sony to cooperate with other platforms … that would be amazing.

In other Fortnite news, did you see that Epic Games added in a new Thermal Scope Assault Rifle? You can check out the full patch here, with a neat breakdown of stats below:

  • Thermal Scoped Assault Rifle.
    • Available in Epic and Legendary variants.
      • 36-37 base damage.
    • Can see chests, Supply Drops, enemy heat signatures, and more.
    • Uses Medium ammo.
    • Can be found from floor loot, chests, and Supply Drops.
  • Renamed ‘Assault Rifle with Scope’ to ‘Scoped Assault Rifle’
  • The maximum range of most weapons increased to 275 meters from 250 meters to match the distance that players are visible.
  • The Jetpack has been Vaulted.

Fortnite is available now on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC, and iOS. The game is also expected to make its way over onto Android devices, which will most likely be revealed this week with an official release date as well as highly validated rumors of a Nintendo Switch port! Stay tuned with us here at ComicBook because we’re bringing you that sweet, sweet E3 news live from Los Angeles this year!