GhostWire: Tokyo Revealed By Evil Within Studio

Today during Bethesda's E3 2019 presser, Tango Gameworks -- the developer behind The Evil Within [...]

Today during Bethesda's E3 2019 presser, Tango Gameworks -- the developer behind The Evil Within -- revealed a brand-new IP dubbed GhostWire: Tokyo, an action-adventure game with some horror elements set in Tokyo, Japan. At the moment of publishing, a release date and platforms have not been divulged. Furher, game and story details are currently pretty light, but Bethesda does provide the following elevator pitch of the title:

"After strange disappearances hit Tokyo's population, it's up to you to uncover the source and purge the city of a strange, new evil. Armed with your own mysterious spectral abilities, you will face down the occult, unravel conspiracy theories and experience urban legends like never before. Don't fear the unknown. Attack it."

For those that don't know: Tango Gameworks is lead by Shinji Mikami, the creator of not just The Evil Within, but the creator of Resident Evil and Dino Crisis. In other words, he has legendary status in this industry, and thus every release of his comes with quite a lot of hype. And while Evil Within and Evil Within 2 didn't let the world on fire, they did have their fans who are undoubtedly looking forward to GhostWire.

That said, this seems like quite the departure for the creative and the studio, so it will be interesting to see how it turns out. Right now, with just that teaser trailer, it's hard to gauge what the game is really about, but it looks pretty novel. And of course, there's still some horror in there, but unlike Evil Within, it's not a straight-up survival-horror game.

As mentioned above, there's currently no word of a release date or platforms for the game, which may suggest it's a next-gen, or at least cross-gen, release. It's also possible it's coming out next year, unfortunately, right now all we can do is speculate.

Anyway, as always, feel free to leave a comment letting us know what you think or hit me up on Twitter @Tyler_Fischer_ and let me know over there. How does GhostWire look? Are you excited to see a new IP from Tango or were you hoping they would release a new Evil Within?