Insomniac Games’ Spider-Man Game Will Have More Miles Morales Presence Than Expected

2018 has finally arrived, which means that this is the year that we’ll finally be able to play [...]

Miles Morales

2018 has finally arrived, which means that this is the year that we'll finally be able to play Insomniac Games' Spider-Man for PlayStation 4. When we'll be able to do so is still up in the air, but we're that much closer.

And it appears that the game will have some great character involvement as well. Not only will we get to see Peter Parker at his best, but also more of Miles Morales than we expected.

In an interview with GamesTM, creative director Bryan Intihar explained that Morales' presence in the new game is much bigger than originally anticipated. "Miles didn't start out with as big of a role as he has now," Intihar explained. "But as we started doing more research on the character, I went back and just started reading more and more and more. I'll be honest, I just fell in love with the character. Just like MJ can provide a different perspective on the world, I thought Miles and his relationship to Peter brings something different."

There will also be a good connection between Parker and Morales as well. "Miles is younger than Peter, and what they experience, and how they get into each other's live is pretty unique. I said off the bat that we wanted to make a unique Spider-Man universe, one that obviously takes cues from the comics and movies, but also does something unique and different… I'm pretty excited about him and where we take him. It's going to be something. It's going to surprise people."

Intihar also touched up on some of the gameplay improvements that are being put into Spider-Man as well. "Two of the things we've been working on are the sense of speed and adding a lot more variety to our animations. So you'll see more of the classic poses that you've seen from the comics, but also just a lot more flair and sense of style.

"This is a concrete jungle gym that he is flying through. We obviously want to have a level of accessibility, but then also some skill in it. Since this is Spider-Man eight years later, there's a sense of experience with Peter doing this…There should be a sense of expression in his movement, and that's something we keep adding on."

Spider-Man will release for PlayStation 4 in 2018.