Rumor: Kingdom Hearts III May Have a Large Assortment of Worlds, Customization

One reason why Kingdom Hearts III has been development for so long is that Square Enix really [...]

Kingdom Hearts III

One reason why Kingdom Hearts III has been development for so long is that Square Enix really wants to get it right for fans. But we may have just uncovered another reason – the game could be the biggest in the series to date. Yes, even bigger than you might be thinking.

Famitsu has recently broken down what kinds of worlds we can expect in the game, and although its notes reveal stuff we've already discovered in the game (like the new Monsters Inc. world that was introduced over the weekend), there's some intriguing new details indicating we're about to see a lot more.

Here's how it's translated and broken down, according to Resetera:

  • As previously reveled, development of the worlds are split up into three different sections. The first round of worlds are around 90 percent complete, the middle round of worlds are around 60-70 percent complete.
  • Toy Story and Monsters Inc. are in the first round of worlds, alongside Olympus (from Hercules). Tangled is in the middle round of worlds.
  • There are roughly (10-19) worlds over the three parts, but it is unclear if that is just Disney worlds or all the worlds in the game.
  • The Rare Heartless will be a giant-sized Japanese pudding themed Heartless. Co-director Tai Yasue says that there will be different fruit accessories that they wear.
  • The Giantland (Mickey and Jack and the Beanstalk) segment will be implemented like an old LSI game. This is something that Nomura really wanted to put into Kingdom Hearts III.
  • You will be able to customize the Gummi Ship with accessories. It is not like Kingdom Hearts 1 level of customization, but more in tune with how you could accessories Aqua in Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep.

While the customization option and the inclusion of a Beanstalk world sounds brilliant, the key note here is the "10-19 worlds". Famitsu wrote a very vague number in there, which didn't give a specific count. That means that Kingdom Hearts III could be much more expansive than we originally realized – and Square could easily introduced more inspired Disney worlds. Tron, anyone? (That's just a guess, not confirmed.)

Whatever the case, the publisher has promised to reveal the release date for the game at E3 in just a few months, for arrival sometime this year. Man, we can't wait to see how big this adventure gets.

Kingdom Hearts III will release for Xbox One and PlayStation 4.