Kirby Becomes a Cube for April Fools' Day

Nintendo’s beloved Kirby has a new look for this year’s April Fools’ Day with the pink [...]

Nintendo's beloved Kirby has a new look for this year's April Fools' Day with the pink character taking on a much blockier shape. Always seen as a pink, round character, Kirby's now been recreated to basically be a cube with arms and legs sticking out of it, though the new look still retains the character's pink color and enthusiastic expressions. The reveal of the character's new look comes from the Japanese Twitter account for Kirby now that April Fools' Day has begun in Japan.

The tweet below shows what Kirby would look like as a cube instead of the round character he's usually depicted as, though it looks much like one might expect a cube version of Kirby to look like. A website for "Square Kirby" was also set up for the April Fools' Day prank with a link to it included in the tweet, though it appears that the site isn't working right now, possibly due to the amount of people trying to visit it and take a peek at more of Square Kirby.

Kirby wasn't the only character created by HAL Laboratory and Nintendo that's got a new look for the prankster holiday though. In response to the image, the account for Qbby, the protagonist of the BoxBoy! game, shared its own recreation of the character that showed it abandoning its blocky shape and instead adopting Kirby's round look.

Kirby and HAL Laboratory aren't the first to get in on the April Fools' Day pranks, and they'll hardly be the last. The date's one that's full of questionable game announcements and updates, though some of them like a blocky Kirby are easier to spot than others.

Pokemon Go also appears to be getting in on the April Fools' Day events. Ash Ketchum, the most recognizable character from the Pokemon anime series aside from Pikachu, appears to be photobombing Pokemon Go players.


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