The Nintendo Switch continues to gain major traction as the hybrid console garners more and more alligence from both players and industry folks alike. With more third party support than ever before, we’re no longer surprised when developers and publishers share their interest.
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Konami is no stranger to the Nintendo Switch, but there is definitely more wiggle room within the platforms library for more ports and new IPs. In a recent interview with European Konami Brand Manager Richard Jones, the topic of more games coming to the Switch from the company definitely came up. Regarding whether or not the topic is a focus point for Konami, Jones told MikeTendo64:
“All I can say is that there is lots of internal discussions going on within Konami regarding what games we can bring to the Nintendo Switch, other than Bomberman, a game which we are well aware of its heritage and how loved it and Castlevania is. So much so that Castlevania is getting is getting its own show on Netflix and because of that, we’re hearing a lot of desires from our fans for a new Castlevania series. So we do know there is a demand for a new game, but right now nothing is set in stone as the discussions are still on going.”
The rest of the interview mainly centered around the Bomberman series, but it is good to know that they are looking at even more ports (and let’s not rule out new IPs either) for the hybrid console. More Castlevania is obviously one go-to, but we wouldn’t turn down seeing the Silent Hill franchise make that jump either.
There’s definitely a lot of potential and despite Konami’s fragile relationship right now following everything surrounding Hideo Kojima’s departure and the cancellation of the Silent Hills project, there is till a lot of fan desire to see their older favourites from the company make it to this generations Nintendo platform.
What titles would you like to see Konami bring over to the Nintendo Switch? Would you like to see more ports from them, or something new entirely? Sound off with your thoughts on the Konami interest in the comment section below!