Last of Us Creator's Next Game Could "Redefine Mainstream Perceptions of Gaming"

The Last of Us creator is looking to "redefine mainstream perceptions of gaming" in the future.

Neil Druckmann, a name many video gamers instantly recognize due to his career with Naughty Dog working as a director on several popular titles like The Last of Us, The Last of Us Part 2, and Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, may be nearing the end of working on AAA games in his career, but that doesn't mean he's slowing down. Druckmann has taken on a different media form with his involvement in The Last of Us live-action series as creator, writer, and executive producer, and is currently known to be working on a new project with Naughty Dog.

While Druckmann and Naughty Dog have yet to confirm what they're working on for their newest endeavor together, Druckmann has given an interview with Sony recently that reveals a bit of his hopes for the game, including a statement that definitely raises expectations toward his next game:

"I've been lucky to work on several dream projects and am currently excited about a new one, which is perhaps the most thrilling yet. There's a growing appreciation for gaming that transcends all age groups, unlike when I was growing up. This shift is highlighted by our venture into television with The Last of Us, which I hoped would bridge the gap between gamers and non-gamers. The show's success has spotlighted gaming, illustrating the rich, immersive experiences it offers," Druckmann states before continuing with more pointed comments on the game that currently holds his excitement. "This visibility excites me not only for our current project but for the broader potential of gaming to captivate a global audience. I'm eager to see how this new game resonates, especially following the success of The Last of Us, as it could redefine mainstream perceptions of gaming."

While we don't know specifics behind the game, it's possible the title could be The Last of Us Part 3, as Druckmann himself stated earlier this year in a documentary for the making of The Last of Us Part 2 that he had "been thinking about, 'Is there a concept there?' And for now years, I haven't been able to find that concept. But recently that's changed. I don't have a story, but I do have that concept, that, to me, is as exciting as 1, as exciting as 2, is its own thing, yet has this through-line for all three. So it does feel like there's probably one more chapter to this story."

Of course, this quote indicates that whatever The Last of Us Part 3 could hold is still in the early stages of conceptualization in Druckmann's brain, so we have to wonder if the redefining title is something entirely new. Do you want The Last of Us Part 3, or would you like to see Druckmann's talents utilized on something new?