This month’s League of Legends bundles are now here, and each of them includes champions that are a pain to play against.
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One champion and skin bundle in particular fits that descriptor with the “Schoolyard Terrors Bundle” name, but any of the champions in the bundles can be difficult to face once they start getting out of hand. There are no supportive or overly-defensive champions this time around โ April is full of splitpushers, bullies, and kills.
Four different bundles are going on sale right now, each of them with different champions and skins to fit whatever theme Riot Games has organized them under. You’ll be spending anywhere between 2212 RP and 2700 RP if you elect to purchase a bundle, but you’ll get a lot for your RP.
Starting with the most expensive bundle that was revealed by Riot Games, check out all of the bundles that are available this month.
Exploding Enemies Bundle (2700 RP)

The first bundle is called the Exploding Enemies Bundle and features four different mages, particularly ones that can end a fight before you even have a chance to respond.
Syndra is unsurprisingly on the list alongside Veigar, both of which abide by the “press ‘R’ to win” strategy. Syndra’s power requires a bit more setup while Veigar’s is an explosion that just gets worse as the game goes on, but Brand and Cassiopeia have their own ways to pop squishies with no hesitation.
The Exploding Enemies Bundle is priced at 2700 RP, but you’ll need 4312 if you need the champions as well.
Champions included:
- Cassiopeia
- Syndra
- Veigar
- Brand
Skins included:
- Eternum Cassiopeia
- Star Guardian Syndra
- Omega Squad Veigar
- Battle Boss Brand
Schoolyard Terrors Bundle (2212 RP)

While the mages may blow you up once they get their items and abilities leveled, the champions in the Schoolyard Terrors Bundle are the real bullies here.
Picture each lane as a playground and you’ll have a good idea of why it’s best to avoid interacting with these problematic champions out there. Whether you’re trying to go for a trade or just farm some minions in piece, these champions will do their best to make sure that you don’t have nearly as much fun as they are.
The Schoolyard Terrors Bundle is priced at 2212 RP, but you’ll need 3709 RP if you need the champions.
Champions included:
- Jayce
- Gnar
- Kayle
- Kennen
Skins included:
- Forsaken Jayce
- Gentleman Gnar
- Pentakill Kayle
- Super Kennen
Art of Split Push Bundle (2587 RP)

If you’re more content to ignore the other champions completely and bully their base’s structures instead, you’ll want to check out the Art of Split Push Bundle.
While each of these champions have plenty enough power to duel someone and even turn a 1v2 fight in their favor, they do the most damage when they’re left alone in a side lane with nobody to keep them in check. Gnar, Jayce, and others might bully you in lane, but they have to leave eventually, and when they do, that tower is going down.
It’s also worth noting that the announcement page for the bundles doesn’t list anything for Illaoi, but the bundle itself in the store has Void Bringer Illaoi included in the five skins, four champions bundle.
The Art of Split Push Bundle is priced at 2587 RP, but you’ll need 4390 RP if you need the champions.
Champions included:
- Yorick
- Tryndamere
- Jax
- Nasus
Skins included:
- Arclight Yorick
- Chemtech Tryndamere
- Temple Jax
- Worldbreaker Nasus
Auto Attacks Never Miss Bundle (2212 RP)

Last but not least is the Auto Attacks Never Miss Bundle, a deal for players who know skillshots are for chumps and all you need is a tip with a spear behind it.
As the name suggests, you won’t be finding many skillshots when playing as these champions. Some may have a few or some AOE abilities, but the bulk of their damage lies in both normal and enhanced auto attacks. Each one of these champions calls the jungle home as well, so it’s a perfect bundle for anyone looking to expand their jungle options.
The Auto Attacks Never Miss Bundle is priced at 2212 RP, but you’ll need 3469 RP if you need the champions.
Champions included:
- Shyvana
- Volibear
- Xin Zhao
- Master Yi
Skins included:
- Ice Drake Shyvana
- Captain Volibear
- Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao
- Eternal Sword Yi