The next League of Legends champion and skin sale to hit the in-client store is one that discounts some popular skin lines as well as some champions with some serious bully potential.
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Starting on March 27, four champions and four skins will all be featured in the newest sale. This means that players still have just a bit longer to get the champs and skins that are on sale at the moment, but even if there’s nothing for you in this next sale, another one will replace it in just a few days to bring even more discounts.
Below is everything that’s included in the sale that begins on March 27 and ends on March 30 alongside the discounted RP prices for each item:
- Spectral Fiddlesticks โ 260 RP
- Worldbreaker Nasus โ 375 RP
- Gladiator Draven โ 487 RP
- Pool Party Taric โ 675 RP
- Gangplank โ 395 RP
- Renekton โ 440 RP
- Rengar โ 440 RP
- Lucian โ 487 RP
The skins that are on sale during this series of discounts are full of big manly men and one spooky scarecrow, but Pool Party Taric’s skin is the clear winner here with the usual price being 1350 RP. Taric’s not even in a bad spot either, so with his Baywatch bod and “Deal With It” ultimate, the Pool Party skin is a steal at the moment. Nasus’ Worldbreaker skin isn’t half-bad with how new it is either, especially with the champion seeing a growth in solo queue play following the start of the season. You could also always run it right down mid with Gladiator Draven, but unless you’re just dying for a Fiddlesticks skin, the scarecrow’s got some better skins worth looking into.
While the champions that are on sale don’t usually get as much attention as the skins since they’re available for Blue Essence as well, this sale discounts some champs that are perfect for those who want to make their opponents miserable. Whether it’s in the jungle, the top lane, or perhaps even in the mid lane, Rengar, Renekton, and Gangplank all have serious bully potential that keeps their opponents on edge. Lucian’s also on sale with the marksman being the only 975 RP tier champ that’s discounted, but players probably won’t see too much more of him even after this sale given the dominance of other more popular ADCs.
This champion and skin sale will start on March 27 and will end on March 30 when it’s replaced by a new set of discounts.