
‘League of Legends’ Reveals Kayle’s Reworked Abilities

After teasing League of Legends players with a preview of Kayle’s rework, Riot Games has now […]

After teasing League of Legends players with a preview of Kayle’s rework, Riot Games has now revealed exactly what the righteous angel champion can do with a whole new ability kit.

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Following the teaser from Monday that showed off both Kayle and Morgana, Riot Games detailed all of the former’s abilities that make the champion grow stronger throughout the match and maintains the core parts of her kit while expanding on them. Morgana didn’t get nearly as many changes, though Riot Games said in the past that her update would be focused mainly on her looks with some slight gameplay changes, if any. Morgana’s ultimate now grants her movement speed when moving towards a chained enemy, but the bulk of the changes were for Kayle.

Each of Kayle’s new abilities can be found below along with footage of how they’ll look in-game.

Passive: Divine Ascent

Kayle’s new passive is an ability centered around her identity as a melee champion who evolves into a ranged fighter as the game goes on. Riot Games’ description of the ability said “Kayle ascends through four forms before reaching her divine state” and broke down the three four stage of that ability that eventually end with Kayle dealing true damage in her final form.

Passive: Divine Ascent

  • Zealous (level 1): Kayle’s attacks grant stacking attack speed. At max stacks, Kayle becomes Exalted and gains movement speed towards enemies.
  • Aflame (level 6): When Kayle is Exalted, her attacks launch flaming waves dealing bonus magic damage.
  • Arisen (level 11): Kayle evolves into a fully ranged champion.
  • Transcendent (level 16): Kayle takes on her final form becoming permanently Exalted. Her flaming waves deal true damage.

Q: Radiant Burst

Kayle’s new Radiant Blast ability will look familiar to those who have played either as or against the champion in the fast. It’s still an ability which damages and slows enemies and also shreds their armor, and it now also causes area-of-effect damage to those near the target.

Q: Radiant Burst

  • Kayle conjures a portal which shoots a flaming blade at an enemy, shredding armor and magic resist and slowing her target. This attack explodes to damage enemies next to the target as well.

W: Celestial Blessing

Kayle’ always had some support potential in her current version while also having the ability to turn into a late-game carry, and the champion’s new kit will retain that aspect by keeping her heal intact. This ability now heals Kayle and also heals a nearby ally while granting them movement speed.

W: Celestial Blessing

  • Kayle heals herself and a target ally, giving both a significant burst of movement speed.

E: Starfire Spellblade

Though Kayle will evolve throughout a match and will eventually become a completely ranged champion, there will still be an ability used to let her hit enemies with a quick ranged attack. Once Kayle reaches a certain stage of her passive, she’ll also deal damage to those around the intended target.

E: Starfire Spellblade

  • Passive: Kayle’s basic attacks deal bonus damage which scales with both her ability power and attack damage.
  • Active: Kayle’s next basic attack is ranged and deals a portion of the target’s missing health as bonus magic damage. After ascending to Aflame, this attack damages enemies next to the target as well.

R: Divine Judgement

The last of Kayle’s new abilities is her ultimate, a spell which raised questions when the ability that’s currently only used defensively was seen dealing damage to enemies.

In the new version of her Divine Judgement ultimate, Kayle places a barrier around her target which makes them invulnerable. After a brief delay, swords damage any enemies who are caught within the ability’s area of effect.

R: Divine Judgement

  • Kayle bestows invulnerability on herself or a target ally for a few seconds. While invulnerable, purifying swords fall in a circle around her target, damaging enemies in the area.

No release date for Kayleย and Morgana’s updates has been announced, but look for the champions first on the PBEย to test out their reworks.