
League of Legends: Riot Games Details Contents and Drop Rates for Masterwork Chests

For League of Legends players looking to up their aethetic a little bit, cosmetic-filled […]

For League of Legends players looking to up their aethetic a little bit, cosmetic-filled Masterwork chests are now available. Riot Games recently updated what’s new in the store to spend those Riot Points on, and gave a detailed outline of what to expect, as well as a few answers to common questions players have.

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Cosmetics-filled Masterwork Chests are now available in the store for 165 RP and in the following bundle sizes:

  • 1 Masterwork Chest and Key Bundle โ€“ 225 RP
  • 5 Masterwork Chests & Keys + Bonus Essence! โ€“ 1125 RP
  • 10 Masterwork Chests & Keys + Bonus Set! โ€“ 2250 RP

As far as what’s in a Masterwork Chest, Riot Games broke it down this way:

  • Skin Shard – 70% of openings
  • 525 Orange Essence – 10% of openings
  • Emote Permanent – 10% of openings
  • Ward Skin Shard + 150 Bonus Orange Essence – 10%

For bonus drops:

  • Gemstone – 3.6% of openings
  • Bonus Chest + Key – 10%

Have a few questions with out the chests work? Here are a few FAQ from the Riot Support page to help you in your quest for the perfect cosmetic item:

Why do chests contain items I already own?

  • Chests are random, and can contain content you may already own.
  • We’re looking at features to allow you to use the duplicate shards in various ways. For now, you can re-roll shards to guarantee a piece of content you don’t own, or you can disenchant already-owned shards to help you create permanent content from shards you don’t own.

Can I earn content that just got added to the store?

  • Yes! However, it takes a bit for new content to get added to the Hextech system, so we recommend waiting at least a day after a new item hits the store before trying to roll for anything new.

Why am I not earning chests?
There are a few reasons you might not earn a chest:

  • If you’re playing a champion you don’t own, you can’t earn a chest.
    • If you do earn an S rank on a champion you don’t own, allies in your premade group may still earn a chest through your achievement.
  • You may have already earned a chest with the champion you’re playing.
  • You can see which champions you’ve earned chests with by hovering over their portraits in the Champions tab of your profile. When you earn a chest through a premade ally’s S rank, the chest counts as though you earned it on the champion you played in that game.
  • You may have reached the chest limit for the week.
  • Your profile has four chest slots, and once you’ve filled them up you must wait until another chest becomes available. One chest slot opens up per week; you can see how many more days you’ll have to wait in your profile.
  • You can’t earn a chest in a game if you leave that game.
  • You may have been punished by a behavior system recently, meaning you won’t be able to earn rewards from Hextech Crafting. More on that below.