
League of Legends Is Bringing Back One for All

The long-awaited return of the One for All game mode is almost upon League of Legends players with […]

The long-awaited return of the One for All game mode is almost upon League of Legends players with Riot Games making the mode available for testing on the PBE.

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One for All consists of two teams starting out with a custom draft phase where each team votes on which champion all five teammates should play as. A champ that receives at the majority of votes will be the option selected with the decision being randomized between the voting options if a majority isn’t met. All of this five-person, one-champion carnage takes place on Summoner’s Rift, but Riot Games has a few changes this time.

A post on the League of Legends PBE boards explained some of the changes that players will notice in the game mode that’s now available on the PBE. For one, the matches have been sped up by starting every player out at level three with faster experience and gold gains, much like an ARAM. This allows champs to have their full rotation of normal spells right from the beginning instead of suffering from several Morganas’ Dark Bindings over and over with no retaliation until level three.

Shields and some buffs are also stackable in One for All, Riot Popc0rner explained, with slowing effects being the main exception. Another notable change is that four votes will now be required to select a champion, one more than the three votes that were required previously. This voting process will be proceeded by a ban phase that allows for five bans from each team just like draft modes allow.

The Rioter explained some of the goals that Riot were looking towards when testing the One for All changes while saying that games are expected to last approximately 20-25 minutes.

“We’re trying to let people cut right to the fun of One for All, do the Wombo Comboโ„ข a couple of times, and then have the game end,” Riot Popc0rner said. “During playtests, we found that the midgame was, by far, the most fun part of a game of OFA. Thus, most of the changes we made in this vein are intended to accelerate both teams into the midgame quickly, blend into the late-game for a while, and then tip decisively in the winning team’s favor. As an extra benefit, being out-voted into a champion you don’t like or accidentally winding up in a really bad matchup isn’t a big deal — you can move onto the next game pretty quickly.”

There are also some champions who will be available in One for All now that have never been playable before since they weren’t released the last time the game mode was around. If you can believe it, One for All was last available way back in February of 2016. This means that the new and reworked champions below will join the rest of the champions in One for All for the first time. Karthus and Teemo will still be banned, however.

“New” Champions

  • Camille
  • Xayah
  • Rakan
  • Kayn
  • Ornn
  • Zoe
  • Kaisa

Reworked Champions

  • Warwick
  • Galio
  • Urgot
  • Xin Zhao
  • Evelynn
  • Swain

One for All should be available in Patch 8.6 assuming no problems interfere with the PBE testing.