
Mortal Kombat 11 Teases New Mode

A new game mode is coming to Mortal Kombat 11 according to a teaser from the game’s studio, but […]

A new game mode is coming to Mortal Kombat 11 according to a teaser from the game’s studio, but we don’t yet know what kind of a mode it’ll be. The official Mortal Kombat Twitter account shared a brief video showing a quick display of brutality, but the more interesting part of the teaser was in the text of the tweet that specifically mentioned a new game mode. That feature, third Variations for the game’s many fighters, and perhaps more will all be seen on Wednesday during a special Kombat Kast stream.

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That teaser is pretty much all we have to go off of until the stream takes place on Wednesday. The video below shows you your dash of Mortal Kombat violence to hold you over till the real stream where those from NetherRealm Studios will take the stage once again.

Even if we don’t know what the new game mode will be, people already have their predictions of what they think the reveal might be for. High among the list of suggestions found in the replies to the main tweet is the series’ Tag Team mode which isn’t its own separate feature in Mortal Kombat 11 but is instead part of the game’s challenges.

Variations are another important part of the stream that’ll be touched on tomorrow. Mortal Kombat 11 brought back the Variations feature where fighters had specific moves and abilities assigned to preset styles, but players can also create their own custom Variations.

Whatever is announced tomorrow, players still have the rest of the contents in the Kombat Pack to look forward to. The contents of the Kombat Pack can be found below and included additional characters and skins that are all coming at the designated dates.

Mortal Kombat 11 Kombat Pack

  • 6 New Upcoming DLC Playable Characters
    • Shang Tsung โ€“ Available Now
    • Nightwolf โ€“ Available Now
    • Terminator T-800 โ€“ Available October 8th, 2019
    • Sindel โ€“ Available November 26th, 2019
    • Joker โ€“ Available January 28th, 2020
    • Spawn โ€“ Available March 17th, 2020
  • 1 week of early access to all DLC characters listed above
  • Premium Skins including Ninja Mime Johnny Cage, War Games Sonya Blade and more
  • 6 themed skin packs
    • The Klassic Arcade Ninja Skin Pack โ€“ Available Now
    • The Klassic Arcade Fighter Pack โ€“ Available Now
    • 4 additional Skin Packs to be released alongside Terminator T-800, Sindel, Joker, and Spawn

Mortal Kombat 11’s new Kombat Kast will take place on September 25th.