
New Fortnite Emotes Leaked With New Footage

Earlier today we shared some of the leaked cosmetic items found within Fortnite’s latest patch. […]

Earlier today we shared some of the leaked cosmetic items found within Fortnite’s latest patch. Not only were there some cool skins uncovered, but a few new emotes as well. Thanks to even more datamined footage, we now can see some of them in action!

Videos by

The video footage (in very alpha state) comes courtesy of the ‘Fortnite Leaks’ Twitter account. They also supplied the names and rarities found alongside the short clips:

Though most of these we saw in the earlier leak, it is kind of fun to see them in full action. Especially that Take 14 emote, given the prevalent film themes seen throughout the new season!

In other Fortnite news, the latest patch is now live and brings with it a few new items, optimized gameplay, and tons more! You can see the FULL notes at this link, as well as a brief highlight below. Don’t forget to check out the incredible new outfits we’ve got coming our way, as evident in the most recent datamined items right here.

General Fixes:

  • Standard gamepad configuration has been renamed from ‘Standard’ to ‘Old School’.
  • Slightly increased the texture streaming pool on Xbox One to help prevent blurry textures from occurring.
  • Changed the button mapping for PS4 controllers on Mac to use the Touchpad instead of the Share button to open chat.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the mouse cursor would be hidden on the loading screen for Windows + Mac players.
  • Fixed several causes of rubberbanding when toggling sprint and weapon targeting, which were caused by bugs within those abilities.
  • Fixed text labels being inconsistent on all controller layout screens.
  • Fixed the time spent in match text not updating properly for party members.

New Items

  • Added Epic and Legendary Burst Assault Rifles.
    • Can be found in Floor Loot, Treasure Chests, Supply Drops, and Vending Machines.
    • Does 32 / 33 damage (Epic / Legendary).
    • Uses Medium Ammo.
    • Uses the same damage fall-off ranges as other Assault Rifles.
  • Added a new foraged item: Apples
    • Consuming an Apple will grant 5 health (up to 100).
    • Can uncommonly be found around certain trees throughout the map.

And tons more! Don’t miss out, and happy gaming!